Plz Guide me to this place (Doha Cultural Village{ K A T A R A }) from Gharrafa

By usman_qatar •
Plz Guide me to this place (Doha Cultural Village{ K A T A R A }) from Gharrafa
if possible give any road map link
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Go to the roundabout near the Intercontinental (by the tourism authority) and take the road towards the Intercon. At the T junction where you'd turn right to go to the Intercon make a U-turn instead, going back west towards the roundabout. Take the first right (going north) and you'll find yourself in Katara.
Qatar-Al Doha
Qatar-Al Doha , Al Doha
Qatar , QA , 22899
Call: 009744110003
Email: [email protected]
if this is there adress then they are before american hospital., when coming from toyota signal 2 nd signal after that signal go 1 st right.