SOS !!!!! stress treatment out there?

HI all,
I am very appreciated if anyone out there can help my
husband who is having very serious stress from the
relocation and the job here. We relocated to Doha in a very
short notice (2 weeks) so everything was done under pressure
and stress. Then he got problem from his job here(nothing
works as it should be). Stress is adding up day after day.
He couldn't sleep, always exhausted, loose of control, can't
concentrate etc for the last three months. He spoke to his
top managements about the situation but they seemed not to
listen or care. He asked to release his temporary duties
here for returning to the UK but the answer is NO as they
need him here. Now the situation is getting worst as he is
sweating alot, small strokes while sleeping and wake up
with frightening and did not know what was happening and
where was he. I tried my best to help him but not help much.
I can't stand to see my husband suffering from stress like
this any more. Please give us some advice of what should we
do in this situation? Many thanks in advance. VD
My Sense, who is annoying you? Hope it is not me...
Why such annoying pipol allowed in this room? Let us be professional and respect others.
Spammers are back! Mods this sadjkqjwhek is annoying...
might not be the ultimate rememdy but a spoon or two of honey before sleep will help :)
If YOU can talk to the officials in his office about your problem in private, you can get to know what is happening from someone else's point of view.
From your previous posts, I understand you have a young son and you are looking for a job too. First of all, you try to relax a bit and give time for the family including yourself to settle down. Take a VOIP connection and get him to talk over the phone to his favourite persons in his past life. Help him to reconnect.
My husband had a bad patch in life with a boss creating trouble and trouble only..I asked him to resign and pack off, but he is someone who cannot survive a day without a job, address and a place to go :-) Atlast I walked off our home one morning saying I'm done.. That jolted him enough to think. He started looking for a job and here we are in Doha, with my hubby happily going to office....touch wood :-)
Actively look out for new friends. Find neighbours.Go to the Beach early morning.Get him interesting books.
If you feel he needs someone qualified to talk to, go to Dr.ajus clinic.Search in the above box for details. He is qualified from UK.
The symptoms all sound like an "extended jetlag"..But check his blood pressure, blood sugar,haemoglobin,etc. Take antiworm medicines.Make sure he is not dehydrated as it can lead to symptoms like these..
Resigning from the current job without finding a new job can land you in more trouble. So take it easy and seek help as soon as possible...
Today will you watch the World cup final? Do you have any one coming over or are you going to some one's house or are you going to watch it on your own? That should be an indicator of your social life... If I or the lady of the house is not accomodating enough, hubby's social life would suffer.. So me off to get the Biriani ready for the evening to be shared with my neighbours who will be here to watch world cup final...
Enjoy life. Relax... Dont go under the circumstances. Rise above your circumstances...
Have a nice day and nice stay in Doha. GOD BLESS YOU...
Time n tide waits for no man...its ur life, dont waste thinkin wat to do!!. so either resign the job.... or take atleast a short leave 4 1 week or somthin.... but newayz the first option shud b.."Consult Doctor"
I agree with sebichanmjose ;)...dont let his health suffer if he is not comfortable living in doha. Adjustment from UK to Qatar is really tough. If he will not relax about this, he will suffer more. I believe this matter is serious. If you guys aren't really fitting in the environment, whats the point of staying. As he has said, check the clauses. Under the probationary period he can terminate his contract even just for a simple reason that he is not comfortable. But after the probation period, he should be allowed as well to resign (mostly you will have to handle all the expenses, ticket and etc.) considering he will give notice of one month (depends on whats written in his contract). Most of the standard contracts says, either party may terminate with notice. Consult legal advice regarding this and consult Medical Advice regarding his trembling and stress.
I agree with sebichanmjose ;)...dont let his health suffer if he is not comfortable living in doha. Adjustment from UK to Qatar is really tough. If he will not relax about this, he will suffer more. I believe this matter is serious. If you guys aren't really fitting in the environment, whats the point of staying. As he has said, check the clauses. Under the probationary period he can terminate his contract even just for a simple reason that he is not comfortable. But after the probation period, he should be allowed as well to resign (mostly you will have to handle all the expenses, ticket and etc.) considering he will give notice of one month (depends on whats written in his contract). Most of the standard contracts says, either party may terminate with notice. Consult legal advice regarding this and consult Medical Advice regarding his trembling and stress.
If he is still under the probation period, he can terminate the contract by giving 7 days notice period.
In such case, company cannot hold him back. Only thing is that, he may have to pay back the expenses incurred for his visa and all related matters also will have to buy tickets from own pocket. Check the contracts for clauses.
If he has already cleared the probation period, one month resignation is applicable. In this case it is company's decision whether to release your hubby or not. However once the resignation is being given, the co. does not have the right to hold his resignation unless there is a serious issue regarding his employment.
You should consult a doctor asap, donot let the situation get worse. This is short term solution. For long term try to find a less stressful job (which is a difficult but not impossible task) but important thing is "HEALTH COMES FIRST"
when i read this i thought it was from my wife:
all the same symptoms but been here a lot longer, the best thing i find is to get away to hotel during the weekend and just do nothing, stop thinking about things and try to relax, easier said than done, reading a book sometimes helps and if all else fails go to a doc and get a prescription for Prozac, sound OTT but will resolve the problem.
PS welcome to EXPAT life and Qatar
agree with MJ, the best advice we could give you is go and seek medical expertise....
It's terrible situation, especially with this kind of climate here now in qatar. Tell your husband to quit his job and find another one, or better go back home before you regret.
I think you and your husband should really sit down. You two should discuss what is happening. What is frightening him this much? Also think of ways to help him accomodate to the situation. After work, go out to somewhere quiet and discuss everything.
First resign from the company and give 2 months notice . In notice period , no stress at all . Pack off and send family back home first . Then sell off your car , settle loans and move out . Go to citi center and buy stress capsules . If BP still high , see a doctor asap .
I think it's best your husband consult a doctor,...