Is it a good job opportunity?
I've got a job opportunity in Doha with a basic salary of 13500 Rials (with good furnished accomodation, medical care, education allowance in public schools, yearly flight tickets allowance for the family (equal to one salary), car loan free from interest); what do you think about this offer? Is it a good opportunity for a couple with a child of 7 years old?
thanks in advance.
It is a good offer with a saving potential of 8000 QR per month. if u are an average spender.
Thank you for the advice you're so kind, I think that i'll accept this offer hoping that my wife will find a new job in DOHA(teacher at the university)
You do one thing..Try to compare your offered package with the one that you are getting in your present working firm..If you think that you can do much better in DOHA with the OFFERED salary, accept the offer then..
If accommodation, child's education and transport is covered outside 13500 QAR, I would say it is a good offer. Still depends upon your qualification and experience and how much you are earning back home.
Average, but not good.