Regarding a family visit visa....
Can any one guide me with family visa i toady applied for the visit visa and the immigration office took all my documents and give a slip and ask me to come again tomorrow what does it mean my application is approved or some thing else what they do if they had any objection ,in case of less salary do they accept the documents or rejct straight away...
if you've already paid then it's already approved..just check from MOI website
If they accept the application means most probably you will get it, no need to go again , just go to www. (click English) and enter your visa application number and date, you will get visa online.
Your documents has gone for signature from the general so they have given u the slip, tomorrow go back to the same place, if those are got signed then submit in the visa section within couple of days visa will be approved, if those documents are pending for signature then u should know why and should solve that problem,