Nuclear fuel for Iranian planes?

Airports in Britain, Germany and the United Arab Emirates had refused to refuel Iranian passenger planes since Washington imposed unilateral sanctions on Tehran last week.
This is a great opportunity for Iran to develop "NUCLEAR FUELLED PLANES" and prove its superior nuclear capabilities. Long live its nuclear ambitions. Do you think this kind of sanction was the right move by International community? Will this revolutionize future aircraft/space craft fuelling technology?
Iran Air’s Boeing 727s and 747s, along with its Airbus
320s, have been placed on the EU blacklist!
....You said Shukran, I answered back Afwan - which in another context would mean " Excuse Me" -or Alafow. Yes, Ukhti means "my sister"..:)
So, Iran is the only threat, because it's claimed to be non-compliant with the safeguards prescribed in the NPT. In other words, it's a threat. (As if it was the first country that bombed Hiroshima.)
Okie...."Afwan" means "Excuse Me"? Right? But why Afwan?
I thought "Ukht" means "Sister"?.
......KHATTAK, afwan...:) The three other countries are not parties to the NPT (Israel, Pakistan, and India declined signing).
Yeah....just checked that Pakistan & India are still not recognized as NWS. Shukran ya Ukht (Spell Check?) :-)
......KHATTAK, the Nuclear Weapon States (NWS), are those recognized by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
but russia is in coalition with iran, then whats the need for doint it...
I think Pakistan & India are already recognized as Nuclear Capable States Internationally...if I am not mistaken.
Arghhhhhhh..... I might have misunderstood the term "NWS". What did you mean by that? :(
.....I think North Korea, India and (?) tested NW, but are not recognized internationally?
oh really, i think KSA wouldn't do that... :(
...KHATTAK, off the top of my head, USA, China, France, UK, and Russia?
HH.....aren't they "Seven" now? Infact, "Eight" considering North Korea as well.
so then how would their planes to be any of these countries...?
...No, not the right move. Iran should stay party to NPT and be recognized as a NWS with the rest of the 5.
Then ME countries need to learn to contain Iran to strengthen ranks.
the sanctions should have been imposed on israel, but israel is the smaller brother of usa.....
Germany, UK & UAE are just three. Wait for more puppets to come in action soon.
They will use nuclear fuel and the crew and the passengers will die. But it is Allah's will. So, what can you do?
Necessity is the mother of invention...
Nuclear fuel has been tested before... by both Russia and USA...but the only problem was the plane would have to be huge to protect the passengers from the radiation by using a lot of thick lead walls.
Russia even tried nuclear flights without giving the pilots any protection.
Maybe Iran's desperation may help it find a way to do it in a reasonable way.
If Iran is successful can you imagine what will happen to Qatar & GCC?...So Qatar & GCC will rule against Iran also...
Instead of halting Iran's nuclear ambition, the "International community" excluding Turkey and Brazil could have asked for a more transparent and nukes free ME.
1 - Yes because they pushed for it.
2 - No, because their abilities are limited. - News is published there.
BTW, this topic should be in Politics section, not here!
go one further.... don't let them land ?