job hunt !!!

i am desperatly trying for a jog for my sister from past 5 months... n we r still unable to find one .. now that her visa validity is also ending by the mid of july , i m a bit tensed...
i will be gratefull if someone could let me know if there r any job vacanies anywhere with a decent salary package..
she is a graduate in media & communication
Got to agree with Da. I offered a guy 9k to come here. He turned me down as he wanted 12k. He's still sat at home earning 0k.
Give ad in gulftimes newspaper, u will get a call same day. and also keep checking gulftimes classifieds u will find one or the other.
All the Best.
DArude's right - Get her in first. Middle East job scenario is not the best at the moment...Let her start - then worry about the pay.
you want her to be here right so thats what you do then. if you are looking for high pay you wont find it that easily
but i heard that schools her pay less... looking for something with a salary not less than 5000.
try applying in schools there might be chances.