dear friends,
i am working in qatar for last four years. i need a personal loan for qar. 15,000.00. i tried in very bank, but failed because my salary is only qar. 2,750.00 per month. in banks they are asking minimum 10,000.00 riyal salary per month.(if i have 10,000 riyal salary, i no need to apply for a loan). Is there any one can help or guide me, where i can get a loan for 15,000.00 which can be payable within 1 year with interest. If i get advice or guidance i would be very thankful to you..
my company also refuse to give, they are telling this against company rule.
please help me....
Sorry I couldn't help you out. but with that salary its difficult for take a loan. one wise suggestion never take loan.
why this banks are not making loan scheme for poor people too..(who have ability to pay back). i think door always open for rich people, poor people is always poor. anyway thanks for the answer friend..
it says u are an engineer in ur profile and they are paying you only 2750 ? thats bad .. ask them for more ..
by the way .. its really tough to get the loan with this salary. did you try getting a credit and get the money out of it? (its too costly, if you cant pay them on time)