Couple admit giving toddler methadone

Couple admit giving toddler methadone before death
Couple admit giving toddler methadone before death
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its utter stupidity and lack of awareness...they wanted to calm and passify the noisy child and they found the chemical handy at home...they used it over and over when they found it was working..
thats the reason they say, stupid friends sometimes damage more than smart enemies..
Am afraid the gap is widening.Am not denying the Muslims accountability of their actions/inactions but its a collaborative task from both sides.
They are parties existing in a free society. They have a right to exist. Rather than ban them, we need to educate and set an example to those that follow them.
In many many instances, the Muslims do not help their cause by their actions - and sometimes inactions.
nomerci...Yes, the poor baby is murdered by his parent no matter what his parents' believe & that's all...
It should be the approach of the news ever...
That's why parties like NF or the dutch freedom party represetned by MP Geert Wilders should be prosecuted for their anti islamic statements.
It also has to do with the source.. Some right wing papers will use religion to muddy the waters, but on the whole, It does not come into it.
ghasalz, thay usually happens because in those cases the crime is committed because of the belief of the people involved.
This is not the case here.
Harry99, hold on... don't get emotional...
that's what I wanted to clear
western media always mention the religion when it's committed by a criminal whose said religion is Islam ...
criminal is simply a criminal...
My point is already understood by the fellows here and that's it...
OK. These were Christians who killed their child. Hold on. I just remembered that a few months ago a Muslim couple also killed their child.
Does that make it better ?
ghazalz: the article would have mentioned the religion of the parents if this action was religiously motivated. If they belonged to some cult, for example, that believed that the use of methadone was some sort of spiritual act, it would have been mentioned. However, as pointed out above, religion was not a part of this act and irrelevant to the story.
I think Religions are the framework (Code) for people to follow, when you look deep, all religions are the same (don't steal,don't kill,don't cheat...etc)
I used to see more people on their way to the church when I was a kid.
Sick people like these do not prescribe to any religion. Probably they think they are the chosen ones by God being doped all the time.
I must say religion in whatever form or belief has the power to bring discipline, clean and healthy lifestyle to most of the followers.
Any way...heavy feeling for the cute & innocent child ;'(
You have a point. However, perhaps the main reason is that they were not practicing Christians..
I understand what are you trying to say, you are right, but so many people won't admit that the media is biased and selective.
drmana, did you notice in some cases they never forget to mention the religion...
what has religion got to do with it? the parents are sickos and drug addicts.. poor child..
"The couple were both heavy drug-users and were known to social services at Gloucestershire County Council."
this time the news paper did not mention the religion...why?
ghazalz, all murders need not be religiously motivated
Wonder...what was the religion of parents?
What may I ask does that have to do with it ??
Since they knew what they were doing and the drugs were administered over time, then surely it is pre-meditated murder..
Truely shocking. Manslaugter is the correct charge but they dropped it. These people should be looking at lenthy prison sentences
This is murder and nothing else.
Chalk another one up for our senile judges and useless legal system. They should be tried for MURDER , not cruelty.
These morons were addicts, who used methodone on teir own offspring..