it's hard yet still hoping...

I've been here in qatar for almost 2mos. already yet i dont have a job. Not that i'm not looking(geez, i've been to different places here just to pass my CV and try my luck it's just that i can't find any suitable job for me.. I'm a registered nurse. I only had limited exposure in the clinical setting (less than 6mos. i think, as a nurse). Sadly but true, coz most of the hospital here or even clinics i've been to needs atleast a minimum of 3yrs experience.But i'm not losing my hope that there is someone out there who is kind enough to hire me..
You will find a perfect job for you tailored fit to your skills and qualification. Rest if it is needed, but never eve quit..
Never lose hope... Inshallah you will get it.... :)
to you mr. Network Engineer- ur so mean, granted, ur entitled to your own opinion, yes its true, even me, i dont want a nurse who has only few experience on d field handling me or my family, but what u said is beyond dat. It doesnt mean u need to descriminate the phils or "one of those other asian countries" your referring to. Before you say anything bad about other countries be sure you have enough info about their situation. What you have said is too much degrading.. Your such a racist man!
FYI.. being a neurosurgeon takes a formal education and training requirements so stop being sarcastic on saying that filipino/ asian nurses can be a dr just like dat..
md, I kind of agree with you... but on the other hand, those who already have 3 years experience once use to have 6-7 months only, otherwise how would they reach their 3 years?
jerey28, I am with Oryx on it.. since this is a pre-requirement, get more experience, and try your luck again.. but even 3 years do not guarantee a job..
Sr Network Engineer, man you are an educated person you should not answer in that way give hope man, and being so severe in saying that should go to an Asian country and do that do feel okay man, you do know that back in the states its not much better for so many of you guys right?
Don't discriminate man, it might be anywhere
Well they told you what they want you need to go to a country where you can get a job to get 3 years experience.
I took a Master's Degree so i could get my present job.
Those are the market forces.
Keep up ur hope and spirit...U will get something better than this..
yes. i've tried. Minimum experience needed 3yrs :(
have you tried with Hamad Hospital or Al Ahli ?