My Slaute to All !!

Dear All,
I created this thread to share our honest appreciation to all onboard the ships with peaceful effort to break Gaza Blockage,
Regardless of our Race, Religions, Nationality, let us honestly place few good words for all people who were directly and indirectly involved in this effort
Including Men, Women from various nationalities and religions, those who died to this noble cause, wounded and some of those who are still detained by Israelis, including those who indirectly supported and cheered the people going on boats.
Including the few good Israelis nationals who are also against their government barbaric policies
And another brave soul from our very own Qatar, i.e. Farooq Burney who was part of this effort and good to hear is safely on it's way back to Qatar now.
These people are lot better and active than You and Me so I start my morning with a big salute to them!
Very welldone, a big sorry and prayers to those who lost their dear ones.
Well done to all and so sad for the true martyrs who sacrificed their lives for this noble cause..RIP
Our hearts are crying!!! :.(