How can I contact recuitment on education, really want a job in Qatar?
Mexican English teacher with excellent professional reputation in my city and a passion for my carrer. I want to live and work in Qatar. I have 18 years of experience at all levels. I am an active, outgoing, and creative person and would like an opportunity to work abroad. I can be in Qatar the first days of July and need help with sponsor for a work visa. Any job on education would be fine to start. Wide experience on British curriculum and excellent methodology and teaching skills as well as innovative problem-solving strategies and classroom management.
best way post add in gulf time and sure u will get job to fast :) in 75 rayal only
spend your next 4 weeks applying to schools in Doha. simple google search will provide you with list and contacts.
you'd be lucky to secure 3 or more interviews on your arrival (on visit visa I guess).
I hope you visit again with a work visa.
thanks for selecting doha