Top 10 disgusting foods!

Hi friends!
Recently while rummaging across my old bookshelf I found some recipes of exotic foods. Not satisfied with the few I got from my old cookbook, I began exploring the net and these are what I got! Have a look at these.....
10. Kopi Luwak (Civet Coffee)
9. Ox Penis
8. Bird Spit
7. Caterpilla Fungus
6. Rats
5. Monkeys Brains
4. Spiders
3. Bee Larvae
2. Balut – Duck Fetus
1. Snake Blood and Bile
1. Casu Marzu(Cheese)
2. Mongolian Boodog
3. Balut: Soft-Boiled Fetal Duck
4. Whole Sheep’s Head
5. Octopus, Straight-Up
6. Stink Heads:Salmon
7. Deadly Fish
8. Jellied Moose Nose
9. Bat Paste
Now please rearrange the list according to the most disgusting to the least. Which one would you dare to try?
I would like to try the Ox penis!
says "disgusting". MAybe to some butdefinite;y not to all! There's a big difference between disgusting and exotic!
balut and beer is the perfect choice!
soup number 5 is a hit! in fried rice yum!
how about stray dogs..
The list should include "tamilok" or mangrove worm, an exotic delicacy from palawan island Phils., tastes like oyster for some, you have to eat it raw! jejeje nice.. :)
It's okay Soniya.. It's only for cool people.
I didn't find interest in any of the food mentioned above..YUCK....
but nothing is more disgusting than the thing the 2 girls are eating in the "2 girls and 1 cu"p video.
that's the most disgusting thing a man could even eat.
@8 Birds Spit - In Philippines they call it "Nido Soup" or Birds nest soup, its a nest made by male tiny bird found in Palawan Island, Instead of using twigs, straw and other plant material, the tiny birds utilize their own saliva to create a small, shallow basin attached to the rocks.
"The nests have high levels of calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. They are traditionally believed to provide health benefits, such as improving the voice, easing digestion, alleviating asthma, raising libido, and strengthening the immune system."
The monkey brain is a big YUCK ! eewwww!!
balut is fine though hehe :-)
Hey I like Black Pudding! :)
Haggis, i have tried once, it was ok...
the list above, on the other hand, all i can say is, YUCK!!! :P
exotic foods but gross!except the used to it.plenty in phil.:)
it doesnt matter i still love cheese.
cheese is a very common food you guys know how is it produced naturally ? you need to kill a calf and take out the enzymes from its stomach to coagulate the milk..
remember this when you have cheese again..
That's it! I'm gonna go and talk to the big white telephone if I don't get out of this topic soon!
Somehow... Balut is my favorite.. and I don't consider it disgusting...
It's just like feeding yourself with an egg...
The only difference is... there are feathers included. hahaha
But oh well.. i can finish up to 5-6 pieces of balut.
Edifis!!!!! You really made me laugh now :) (but between you and me, let's keep the Pope out of the duck subject ok?)
Sorry, still laughing!
What will the Pope say? Abortion in a Catholic state!
Duck abortion is what I used to call it when I lived in the Phlippines for 2 years. I would rather starve to death! Just the thought of it is making me want to.... Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!
thats duck infanticide!
Do you sell Balut in Doha?
That's why they call me MR. BALUT because I sell balut ..yummy soak in spicy vinegar!! Try it!!!
It's good business as well!!!
So why bother eat them when they are disgusting after all.?
is supposed to be the finest coffee in the world - and expensive. I would have no problem with it. In fact I saw a programme recently that tested the beans and found that the process of them going through the cat's intestinal system actually made them less harmful.
Yummy!!!!!!! is all I can say about John's 2 suggestions :)))
Oh! Yes ofcourse, Joan I forgot the 2 most popular yucckky food from England:
1. Haggis.
2. Black Pudding.
man you must be having some really brave taste buds... would prefer to fast a whole month than trying any of the above mentioned delicacies ;-)