ECO AIRSHIP-How will we travel in the future

Belgian architect, Vincent Callebaut thinks it might be like this -- floating from one place to another in giant eco-airships.
Called "Hydrogenase," the project combines engineering and biology and is inspired by biomimicry -- design inspired by nature's models and systems -- he says.
Clearly not someone lacking in imagination, Callebaut envisages his eco-airship towering 400 meters high, 180 meters wide and powered by a seaweed biofuel.
Eight compartments are housed inside a protective skin made of glazed canvas and carry fuel -- "bio-hydrogen," of course -- and passengers.
But this isn't just a floating theme park -- Callebaut envisions his airship helping with humanitarian missions or scientific studies as well as housing hotels and entertainment.
When it's not soaring to an altitude of 6,500 feet and reaching a top speed of 175 kilometers per hour, the airship is docked in a floating organic farm which recycles CO2. As with the airship, the farm is completely powered by renewable energy using solar panels and hydro turbines.
Callebaut's extraordinary plans for what he calls a "biotechnological prototype" are currently on display at the Future Pavilion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China.
"Hydrogenase" is the latest in an impressive portfolio of ecologically influenced ideas of how the future might look.
In 2008 he drew up plans for a "floating ecopolis" aimed at saving climate refugees and in 2007 the "perfumed jungle" imagined the construction of a vast jungle on the central waterfront in Hong Kong.
I must say you need to smoke something to get to something like this, but i like it a lot, it's a great idea. And talking about ships, a few months ago i was on a carnival cruise ships and i had a great time, and don't worry we were all green:) I think we need to get more in touch with the nature and airships or cruise ships are the great way for us to learn about our planet.
rish.. u may be right, sounds chinese to
lol flan what did you smoke while designing this :P
this is what happens when you smoke weed while watching star wars.
arien, the centre of gravity has to be close to the lower half to keep it upright and the ribs, if at all required for rigidity, have to be straight running down to the tail..
if its running on hydrogen, then it will follow only on the third law, the gas has to come out from the tail and thus it has to be re-designed..
rish .. whats normally the shape of a hydrogen balloon? ofcourse the load/weight has to be on the bottom though
Rishimba, I agree with you.
the belgian artist probably doesnt know much about physics or aerodynamics..
the vanes are spiral as they proceed from the snout to the means that during cruising it will rotate about its long axis due to air reaction...
do you think the passengers will be alright spinning around during their journey??
btw, what's the source of bio-hydrogen?
Mehnis, I dont think so Mehnis. and the cruisng speed !!, I doubt.
Interesting. Will we able to travel like in our lifetime?? I wonder.