Farming & Development Awareness !!

Models (attached ) showcase ‘Grow-Your-Own-Rice bra’ in Tokyo on Wednesday. The bra, which also functions as a rice growing kit, allows the wearer to cultivate rice anytime, anywhere.
It was created with the hope of familiarizing people with farming and developing awareness about the importance of agriculture
Source :
Ever heard of 'hanging gardens?'
Khawaga, you can apply for the nurse post here -
P.S The uniform is a bit on the skimpy side. So be warned.
ok will do.. :)
Yes MJ, Check your email as well.
drmana, did you send me an add request?
my heart is open - but no one is sending any Friendsheep request ? :(
drmana, my FB is open now but i haven't received it yet... will refresh my FB page... :)
deepb: I totally missed that. Sorry. I'll bow out of this thread.
MJ, I already sent FV request to that ID....check it:-)
Khawaga we are not talking about the clothes for this post. We are still discussing the nurse that the mods kidnapped.
i think the tailor did not get his full payment for the nurse uniform and hence everything was bulging out...:(
lol Jalebi...
how about i throw you in a pool of Sharks ?
I blame the designer. Clearly a man with no understanding of a woman's needs.
Don't blame that nurse. She just wore the uniform. Blame the uniform people for not considering sizes for well endowed women :P
ok, then we'll beat you up, see if it still feels great! :P
Jalebi it feels great !!
LOL Rizks, now you know how it feels to be hijacked.! a dose of your own medicine.. :P
drmana, i sent you my FB ID already thru PM.. :)
I think this bra only works for girls who don't actually need a bra...
:( deepb, its not like tat nurse pic ?
atleast she is not showing cleavage ?
I think the mods will kidnap your pictures also rizks.
lol...a hijackers thread is being hijacked....:)
drmana what !!!!!!
Don't be worried about Rizks, I will handle him :P can always PM your FB ID...:)
DamNiT u hijackers :(
I would love to MJ but then I would have to reveal my FB ID which would be not so good in presence of these perverts here:-P
drmana and MJ.....I agree with you both can you both be my farmville neighbours...:)
that looks hideous! :P
i agree with you drmana... now, will you please be my FV neighbour? ;)
what would they create for making people aware of AIDS...:)
people think a lot nowadays..... nice way to support
What an idea sir ji
Farmville is better idea....:-P