Do you feel like an "alien" when you go back home?

We have been expatting out for almost 5 years now, and on the last couple of trips back home (US), we really feel out of place. Home is always home, and of course it is always wonderful to go back... but now there is this sense of akwardness when we tell people where we have lived or travelled. We kind of feel like a monkey in a glass box.
I am curious if others get this same feeling? Thus far, we have only lived in Europe and travelled through Asia... but as we are talking about moving to the Middle East, the reactions from family/friends back home is actually pretty funny... was it the same for you?
Also, do you find a strong sense of community living in the compounds? Our last couple of assignments, we have always lived amoungt "the locals". We tried to stay away from "American" neighborhoods thinking that if we wanted to be surrounded by Americans, we would live back in the US. But now, I am excited to live amoungst others that share not only our roots, but also our same way of life. Is this realistic?
And finally... is there an American club in Doha? I looked in the groups but it says by invite only, and I have no idea how to get invited! LOL Is this an extra security precaution?? :-)
LOL! Thank god its not just us!! We go back and forth between treated like freaks (ie: Why in the hell would you ever want to live some place other than the good ole USA?) and celebrities (ie: Wow! How amazing your life must be!!)
Its impossible to explain that we love the experience, miss the great things about home, cherish the people we meet but life in another country is pretty much the same as it is back home (work, kids, cleaning, friends, etc).
you kinda summed it up it a nut shell..
absolutely, i've been living abroad for 4 years now and although i always have a sense of satisfaction returning home something still feels weird.
although i've acclimatised to living in various countries, i hope i don't find it too hard to adjust when, or if, i move back home to oz.