Does anyone have scrap parts for a freelander?

Im looking a for a garage or a scrap yard for landrovers. I am temporarily without transportation and i have tried researching on it but all signs have pointed to the industrial area. Since i cant just grab a cab and roam around there looking a for a scrap yard, i would appreciate it if some one knows a garage that has landrover second hand parts or a scrap yard for landrovers and if by chance anyone has a freelander that they are no longer in use for i would gladly buy the required parts from it. I appreciate all help from QL members towards this topic. thank you
My freelander died today so if you are interested, we may come to some arrangement.
Get it online; even if you find it here it will cost you too much. just check ebay if they have it or check any car parts website. you will ship it here and all (as per my experience) wont be half the price here.
i have a 2002 freelander for sale, welling to purchase it :D ?
Anyone who drives a freelander should keep a spare just for parts. One of the most unreliable vehicles ever made, with the exception of hummer.