Where can I buy a bong/pipe in Doha?
Hello, I'm doing a drug presentation at American School of Doha and I want to bring in devices for smoking (legal ones of course). Someone already brought in a Hookah (shisha) And midwakh + a pipe. So I was wondering where I can get a water bong or a glass pipe (or metal whatever works actually). Do they sell them in City Center in a smoke shop possibly? Before anyone says anything, no water bogns aren't illegal, they can be used for smoking anything out of (ie: tobacco). So please help me out here, this is for educational purposes! Thank you.
it is simple create new one
Oh what the hell, nevermidn about the above comment ^. I saw a bunch of random comments on this question, but Ir refreshed the page and they were gone o.o. Glich maybe? By the way I'm looking to buy these things in DOHA...
Uhh, are you guys confused on what I'm asking for? Or are you guys making a joke? A bong or a pipe- the smoking device? I can't imagine you can get those two in a coffe shop or a pizza place :P...
Holland, Germany, Spain... plenty of places