Nursery or Daycare in old airport area

By coolgooseraj •
I am looking for a good structured nursery or Day care in old airport or Hilal area for my daughter who is 18 months old. They need to take care of my daughter from 7 AM till 4 PM as I am a working women. I am looking for a safe and well structured nursery or Day care where she will be able to play and learn to socialize. Can anybody suggest such a nursery?
Contact Number: 6594463
Contact Email: [email protected]
(This day care is near airport area..kindly call them.)
Take a look at the below link for more information..thnx..
Call Aysha, Baby Care: 3005349. Location: In between Almana Signal & Family Food Centre Signal.
Call Aysha, Baby Care: 3005349. Location: In between Almana Signal & Family Food Centre Signal.
Play House Behind Matar Qadeem Fire station. They have day care from 6 AM to 7 P.M and pre KG/KG classes.