Killed because they were witches

By Mandilulur •
"Over the last 15 years, an estimated 2,500 Indian women have been killed because they were 'witches,'" said Rebecca Vernon, a third-year Cornell law student and editor for the Cornell International Law Journal. "Witch hunts are most common among poor rural communities with little access to education and health services, and longstanding beliefs in witchcraft." - March 22
Hmm, coupled with the "sorcery" case in Saudi, should we be feeling a little surrounded?
in rural areas where the people are illiterate and gullible, its very easy for the wicked guys to brand a women as a witch to get her out of their way..
many such cases dont even get reported to the police..
Well, the one who is supposed to be beheaded in saudi could reason out that if he were a fortune teller/witch why he hadnt predicted that he will be arrested and jailed in Saudi and then beheaded?
lol they are just frauds.. don't worry, no black magic happening.
whyteknight "tantriks" by which you mean is an act of black magic,necromancy, is it? it is some thing very mysterious but having a fearful interest to know about them.
oh my lord save every one from the bad effects of black magic.Ameen
lol but funny thing, don't these people realise that if there were real wizards and witches, why don't they use magic to save their lives..
In India it's prevalent mostly in under-developed, poor communities and education is the only solution. Local so called "tantriks" ( Sorry don't know what they are called in English) exploit the uneducated people to suit their own agendas.
WK, shhhh! The Saudi mutawaeen will come get you!
They were starting to kill wizards too, that's why had to leave India ;-)