Vote for Saher, Dina or Nouf?
Vote for "Qatar" per se? Or vote for who deserves it? Intrigued by the questions about who to vote for, I Googled all three finalists in the Most Inspirational Competition and Saher is the clear winner for me.
Nouf seems like a cool, strong-headed, somewhat over-smart chick. Had a hard life: born into wealth, all opportunities open to her, loving family, went abroad to study, making loads of money at Qatar Vodafone, struggling to be understood and break through the glass-ceiling. Boo hoo.
Saher seems like an angel of mercy. Can anyone really be that good? Loads of articles and interviews about her. She's the real deal. Devoted last four years of her life to improving the lives of labourers. 5000 labourers consider her to be a sister. Organizes huge public events where volunteers get together to help make lives of labourers better, even set up English classes for them to improve their carrer prospects. A bit cliched, but the word "inspirational" comes to mind.
And then Dina. Man, that's a tough life, not being sarcastic this time :) Losing her father at 12, working hard to help her family, self-made success story. I have alot of respect for this chick.
My dilemma is quite clear to me, I voted Saher Shaikh,, the labourers angel but I'm puzzled by how we human beings tick. Should we be voting for Nouf, just because her only qualifying factor is that she's from Qatar (a place she calls hell) or should we be voting for the other finalists, both of whom I feel are more deserving: the one who worked hard to change her own life around or the one who's working hard to change the lives of thousands of others? What say you?
boso my brother, these people don't understand what arab women have done and CAN DO, they ignore gangredene because he speaks the truth, they prefer an arrogant qatari girl who brags about things that all qatari people get, AND THEN DISRESPECT QATAR, because for them this is a voice for them to show their hate for Qatar through a foolish dummy! I didnt want to share this story but i must, my family know a single mother from a poorer arab country, her husband divorce her and she has 3 kids with him!!! He is backed by poweful wasta and he is trying to deport her and she can't raise her kids back home, my mother help her and pay for her legal costs and give her money and our car to use, and she is living in a tiny bedroom with her 3 kids! in a share flat! We offer her a house for free and she refuse! this is a strong arab woman who has dignity! She needs the space to raise the kids, and my mother have to beg her to accept the money as her pride is strong! Not like nouf who makes lies on newspaper about how she is loving qatar and needs help like a dog wanting some meat! And the dogs on here wagging their tail because they want to disrespect my home nation! That is why your politicians always lie to you, because that is what you want, you hate respect and honesty
My vote goes for Saher..She being a woman is trying to help the labours and also couraging other people to help..She is one impressive woman..
what is incredible what this saher is done, it will be a great tragedy if she loses because of nouf using her money and local power to use the qatari people to vote for her, and a lot of dumb qataris like qataria78 will vote for her, and even dumb expats who want to see qatar being represented by idiotic selfish girls, only the smart expats and smart qataris will realize what's going on, this money can do A LOT OGF good for the people laborers. Nouf is not inspiration for Arab women, there is thousands who did what she did BUT IN RESPECTFUL MANNER! Yes to some of you expatriates who CRY when qatari say something rude about ur home lands, but then SHOUT AND SAY GOOD when a Qatari girl says something similar to her OWN HOME LAND. Disgraceful racist people with no respect for other people's culture and countries.
Fried Unicorn, I understand why you questioned this. I read Saher's story and thought, wow, can this chick be for real too? I Googled all three of the finalists. I used words, Saher Shaikh, labourers, labour camps to search to see if she's ever really done stuff for labourers or if it's all hype for the competition. The articles on this chick date from YEARS back from a variety of newspapers and publications, not like Nouf's media push during the Philadelphia competition. (Couldn't find anything on Dina apart from as aprt of Philly competition and some Facebook support) Saher's work is pretty impressive. She's assembled and distributed documented TONS of supplies in camps. She personally visits camps and gives the men HYGIENE WORKSHOPS. She adopts camps and treats the men there like her kids. She's set up English classes for labourers with American University of Dubai. Everyone from Emirati locals to westerners to phillipinos to south asians volunteer side by side at her events to help labourers so she brings people together. Google her yourself man, rocking chick! Wish we had more like her in Qatar!
thank you boso for this honest insight of yours. In my opinion, anybody who is supporting nouf from what she wrote just in the stories, is also an air head because her story is full of arrogance, this not including what comments i exposed. You must be a real idiot if you think that she only got to where she is cuz of her working hard, its because private companies need qatair citizens, the program is qatarization, and even if u believe it is because of working hard, she herself says "it in inevitable i will do well" because her family are geniuses, wow what an inspiring story for qatari girls. Anybody who vote for nouf is either shallow or trying to undermine qatari society by giving support to people who hate it, but put on another face for the public. I personally prefer honesty from people and respectful behaviour, so every day i will vote for saher, and tell all people i know to do the same, i know saher will need the help because nouf got all the newspapers talking about why we need to vote for her. ANd of course the idiots will vote for her without bothering to know the truth.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
I like Noufs description, she had a hard life, and then it descrbies how hard she really had it with all the opportunites given to her,
I would vote for Saher, a person who doesnt actually just whinge about how hard life is for the labourers, shes doing something about it, good for her.
My vote for Saher
While my thread mysteriously disappeared, I've been following the "don't vote for selfish qatari girl" thread and it's been cool. So many people, so many insights.
Kind of following on from that discussion, I think that all three stories are insiring in their own way and that all three of these women are doing something with their lives. Before I can look at them though, I need to look into myself. Ultimately, it's about the most "inspiring" story and I think maybe there have been so many heated opinions because different people are inspired by different things.
I've decided the kind of person I want to be, and so, without disrespect to any of the other finalists, I'm 100% daily voting for the woman who's spent years trying to make the lives of thousands of labourers better. There are a lot of kick-ass businesswoman out there, there are alot of people who've faced personal tragedy and overcome it but there are very few people who dedicate their lives to helping those less fortunate than themself. I find Sahir's story inspiring and as that's the criteria, I'm voting for her.
I agree with you. The Qatari candidate reveals a spoiled attitude, she has left to many traces to see her true personality and she has done nothing to help the less favored.
With no doubt, my vote goes to Saher!
The very fact that SOMEBODY...ANYBODY is doing SOMETHING for the THOUSANDS of poor labourers that are literally building their country for them gets my vote,so it would have to be Saher,because in a poll like this on middle-eastern women,THE MOST important factor ought to be,were they born into wealth? because that chnages the whole equation,if we want to take about breaking into male dominated careers/society in general,institute a separate award for that but this one should definitely go to Sahar...& yes of course,we MUST vote for the most deserving NOT the person from Qatar just because we live here,if any of us think that's loyalty,we're mistaken...the person MOST deserving should get yours & my vote IRRESPECTIVE of where they're from & weather or not you live in their country...
I doubt whether these three ladies can be compared ..fairly, as each of them have made a difference in their own respective areas.They have been inspirational to different groups of people.
Saher because she has done something for those people who most of us take for granted and dont give a second thought to..and who are in those positions not by choice but necessity..but have the same feelings,needs,worries etc as the rest but are unable to do anything about it on their own..abe
I know Nouf and she is an inspiration and will help other Qatari women that are just starting to break into Male dominated careers will feel more confident knowing the courage and strength of Nouf. And Yes we are proud she is Qatari.