Hi everyone, i asked my friend to process a visit visa for me (am currently in Dubai) and i was shocked when she told me that i need to prepare atleast 3-5 thousand dirhams as a show money as per the travel agency there in Qatar.
Please help me reconfirm if this is true? As i am leaving Dubai very soon and so bad that i don't have that enough cash to show in the airport.
Thanks so much for all you replies.
God bless us all :)
important reminder tell you bf to prepare your accomodation at least near alsadd or doha center
marame kc companies walking distance mahal ang transport
++++++++++Prevention is better than cure+++++++++
But usally, bcoz of the number of passenger influx, the airport officials don't bother to check the nitty-gritty of these things.
Just be confident and have a relative (if you have any here in Qatar) come and pick you up.
BTW, what kind of visa do you have?
As I told you, I'll ask my friends at a travel agency that I know, and get back to you with the info...
Just relax...we'll sort this out...
Anyone who knows a friend just came from Dubai just moved to Qatar??? Is show money being asked in the airport??? Please........... thanx :)
please can any one recommend a cheap hotel that can issue visitors visa please
thanks in advance
Thanks FU, but it will be difficult i think, because i should show it on the spot/airport.
@ Pogi - Really cheaper than what we have asked they said 1500QR - How many days processing? Can they also arrange the ticket? Please advise me the details.
gypsy i ask now gulf paradise only 30days avialbe visa for visit for amount 1200QR
Give me a call once you land and I will come and pick you up. If the authorities ask you something you just tell them that you have 'me' here and I will show them the money.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
Some say yes, some say no : Can you please guys ask agencies that you know for me pleassssssssseeeeeee to re confirm it. Greatly appreciated!
definitely not true.
If u come in Hotel visa thn its necessary to show money in the airport..but if u have booking confirmation paper from hotel then its not necessary..I dont have idea abt other visit visas..
if u r on tourist visa, cash or credit card is rquired to be produced while entering Qatar, It is checked on random basis.
“I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth is as old as the hills.” Mahatma Gandhi.
to my heart. I will do whatever it takes to make your life easier. Rest over PMs :)
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
whoa?! friedUnicorn true?! i do not have work here for 5 months now because we trusted the Ministry of Labour and Court in Dubai (My boss left us without saying ado - and till now there's nothing happened) so i really have hard time or i can say am in a deep shit. I now have a chance to leave and look for a job but felt discourage when i heard that i need a show money.
Thanks for your reply:)
whoa?! friedUnicorn true?! i do not have work here for 5 months now because we trusted the Ministry of Labour and Court in Dubai (My boss left us without saying ado - and till now there's nothing happened) so i really have hard time or i can say am in a deep shit. I now have a chance to leave and look for a job but felt discourage when i heard that i need a show money.
Thanks for your reply:)
...and you'll be allowed in without hassle. If there is any problem here - Give me a call. I'll come with the cash to the Airport and get you in. We can then go our own seperate ways.
Have a great flight!
P.S - I'am a Pilot.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
As per rule, people with tourist visit visa need to carry 5000riyals in cash on Qatar. That was what they told me when I got the same for my brother. But they didn't check him for the money. So no idea for the other criterias for the check.
"It is better to be hated for what you are than being loved for what you are not."
so maybe what they're giving you is a tourist visit visa then..
no need for show money as far as i know. i came here on visit visa too but there was no need for that.. my cousin, when she came here, she was also asked for show money, luckily, she was travelling with my mom so she told the airport officers off..