Good Corporate CREDIT CARD????

Which corporate credit card is good to use (based on your expeirence) - services involve periodical credit card statement facility, online view of transactions, customer service etc etc. General services for credit cards which our current bankers completely lack.
How are the American Express Corporate Credit Cards?
I stress on "Corporate" not personal.
A public forum will give me expeirences which the credit card marketing team will not - that is why the query on a public forum.
I'm inclined towards CBQ as i'm happy with my expeirence with them however it is a personal card and i'm not sure how their corporate services are.
Honestly speaking none of the banks in the middle east are up to par when it comes to customer service and products.Since i have no choice but to bank with one of em - personal expeirences count
Try to call Commercial bank on 4490000 they have the best Credit Card corporation.
After u calling 4490000 press 2 for english language and then press 0 (zero) for customer services...they will help u.
rlasrado based on your query maybe the public forum is not the best site to look for this info.
Why don't you try contacting MASTER, VISA, AMEX on their websites and ask them to send you over a description of the pros & Cons of the corporate CC.
Yet another option is to visit Qatar banks (at least the main offices) and ask them for this type of CC availability in the country.