Fascinating OLD DOHA..
While searching about QATAR's history, i got this beautiful link which shows how DOHA used to look like long back..Take a look at the below link..There has been tremendous change in DOHA's infrastructure in past few years..
Awesome & Thankx a lot for sharing soniya....
u r welcome suzain..surfing more to post the new links..will update later..
Thanks bleu.
Try Google's Timeline... You can click on the chart to zoom in and get more details from a time period...
Thats awesome..Kindly take a look at the above link to increase ur knowledge about QATAR..
thanks guys..i was actually not knowing that it got posted long back..i shld have searched it before posting it here..neways, i was into look out for some locations for QATAR and i found these links..i loved it and thought to share with u all..
very good handful information about Qatar. Thanks soniya for sharing it...
"The more I see of the world the more am I dissatisfied with it." Jane Austen.
The above link contains the NATIONAL ANTHEM of QATAR which i was ignorant about actually...
really da..hhmm..ok..i didnt search it before putting it here..i was just gathering some information about DOHA and got this beautiful and fascinating link..
This is how QATAR came into existence..I don't wanna copy paste ne details so kindly look at the above mentioned link..I found it really amazing and thus wants to share with u all..
thanks for posting it AGAIN.
it was posted long time ago here on QL.