Showing Residence ID to police officers
By speedmarks •
I am just wondering if a person cannot show his Residence ID to a police officer on the road because his residence visa and ID is for renewal by the company. What would be another option to show to the police officer that a person is legal to stay in Qatar?
Thanks guys. I was stopped at Wakra roundabout last two days ago. I have my residence ID but the car infront of me didn't have one. He was telling it still on process. Im quite afraid if these things happen as our HR usually takes 1 month to process the renewal of iqama.
Mr. Sauud is too funny, it is his dream, a Police will behave to a Asian in this way?!!!
memorize your iqama number it might help too.
if you are not able to show id card to police u have to sit with police and they will ask u to have a cup of coffee with them in police station until u cal some 1 and tel him to bring id card or ur passport copy ..:P
You should always have a photocopy of your visa and passport with you since you don't know when the unpredictable police will inquire about stuff like those on the road especially when you least expect it. That's actually stupid of them to do, what if you left your files at home? Why do they have to do it on the road? Qatar is really full of weird happenings.
always keep photo copy with your RP and passport for any checking happen...
Dear Speedmarks,
At first, you should always carry a photocopy of your i.d. when you know that you have given it for renewal.
Secondly, make sure you have the mobile no. of your human resources director as you can call him up and ask him to speak to the police officer.
Wish you good luck next time....
You can explain him the situation. Better keep a photocopy of the RP.
If you get stopped, you should have a copy of your ID with your RP details with you and inform them that its pending renewal. They may ask contacts details for verification.
It used to be that showing them your driver's licence would do but think the laws have been tightened (but not sure) and they still need to see your ID if they stop you - as the driving licence is valid for 5 years while your RP may have expired.