Duty Free!!!

By Black Jack •
Is it allowed to Buy Liquor from Duty Free while entering Doha for the First time?
Secondly, how difficult is to get a permit for buying liquor from Shops in Doha?
I wud die without one....... ;-)
(I hope mods dont ban me because of this question..lolz)
When you drink Doha becomes las Vegas....
on the keyword Booze or QDC.
That will give you an idea on what to do, where to go & what to get
Thanks guys for the info...
@Soniya:-It was just an exaggeration!!!,
not an addict...just concerned about the Laws, i shudnt end up donating my bottles to the customs!!
@Stealth:- "I wud Die" was just an exaggerated expression buddy!..BTW this reminds me of a joke...
I tried Scotch with water, I was drunk,
I tried Rum with water, I was drunk
I tried Vodka with water, I was drunk…
I tried Gin with water nd I was drunk again!
Finally I ve stopped having Water!!! he he he he he
@Robertothegreat- i will get in touch with you to get all the addresses for cheap Booze...
i guess soniya answer your questions already ;p
1.) The answer is NO for ur first question.
2.) Get ur RP first..Get a LIQOUR LICENCE letter from ur company.
U sounds too much ALCHOHOL ADDICTED..Take a look at the below link..It may help u to low down ur consumption..
Since you are more bothered about booze why dont you stay where you are. At least you can safeguard yourself from immediate death due to lack of booze
You would die??
You can't bring booze into the country and there is no duty free shop on the way in like the UAE. Howevere on the way out they do sell booze and it's cheap!
Once you have your residence permit getting a liqour licence is easy. Speak to your company for a letter.