Just walking around ...

I'm planning to just walk around from my hotel (Souq Waqif area) all the way down to The Center (Ramada Hotel and Doha Jadida area) then back to Corniche. (I love walking!)
I google mapped my walking distance and path, and it looks good (like about 1 mile each direction).
Just curious if streets have side walks, or if this is recommended? not recommended?
As flan said sidewalks are a foreign concept here, not always easy to walk.
"Live with passion, Die with style"
walking is the best
no, it's not risky at all. it just may not be pleasant for a woman, with all the honking and shouting etc. But I still walk, I like walking and I just try to ignore the morons in cars....
and walking along Corniche is nice, but may get boring soon, and it's also denifitely not quiet with all the traffic...
walking here in Aatar should be between Nov till feb for the weather will be good for walking but after that it will get hot hot hot
some things never change, so women still get harassed, ha?
I'm a big fat man, people will be running away from me :)
I was thinking to walk from Souq Waqif down to The Center (Al Markaz) near Ramada Hotel, tehn walk back up. I miss those neighborhoods and want to see how they are now after 20 or so years ... but I guess that walk is a risk, no?
"as long as you're not a woman" lol. i have to agree. i cant even stand outside our building to wait for a friend to pick me up. honking, even hollering. morons. even if i do wanna go for a walk, i cant go alone. *sigh*
"I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good, either."
oh, I've done that:) just the other way round, from Ramada to Corniche, to the souqs. and just as long as you're not a woman, it should pretty nice. :)
have a good walk then!
like marie_2 said. . . better walk in corniche
coming from suoq wakif . . .walk til the end of sheraton and back. . .you will enjoy it more
=) i walk/jog there a lot. . .coz i got bored at a sports center wherein you can walk/jog at their oval
have fun!!!
I walk around Doha a lot. Have to watch out for the traffic and side walks are sometimes more dangerous than the road itself. Its better to do it now because in a few months it will be impossible
better walk in corniche... you'll even enjoy the view (?)
...listen to the sound of silence....
sadly sidewalks are a foreign concept here.
it is highly recommended...;)
You wont be able to find side walks all the way, though its off n on.
Just beware of the Land Cruisers... rest is OKIE :D
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Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again