
Looks like this weekend is getting some pretty bad earthquakes.
There was a massive earthquake in Chile.
Now there are reports of earthquake in Afghanistan and Pakistan originating at Hindukush Mountains 6.2 in the richter scale.
it shows how powerless we are against the forces of nature.
Earth is moving.. and there nothing that we can do.. Unless we live in floating Stones!
Its really Tragic…..the worst part is such calamities are recurring in most places..:(
Tsunami is the issue...
In 1960 chile had the biggest ever recorded earthquake at a magnitude of 9.5
this triggerd a Tsunami which killed many people in Japan, Philippines and hawai. :(((, as per the experts , the first wave may not be always the big one..!!!
There is risk of Tsunami as well now..
May the departed souls rest in peace...
"Live with passion, Die with style"