are you a moral or immoral person?

By blue_coffee •
Can the act of knowing be moral or immoral in itself?
Say, for instance, that you accidentally stumble upon something you shouldn't necessarily know-- someone's sordid or awful secret, an indiscretion or personal tragedy. Whatever it is, it is something they would not tell you or want you to know, if they had the choice.
Is it immoral, then, to discover something like this?
knowing something, whatever is it has nothing to do with morality or immorality.
thinking on something, which his conscience doesnt permit, may be called immoral thinking....but we all have that at some point or the other...whether we accept it to the world or not.
however, we are responsible for our actions..which the world defines as moral or immoral.
if its not on purpose you stumbled upon this secret..i dont think its immoral..however, if you accidentally stumbled upon it and on purpose you spread it or you will use it against to that someone...then it think thats immoral..
Say, that someone's secret may have a big effect/impact on his public and social responsibility, then i guess..what would they call you..not a moral or immoral but a whistleblower?
I think, it really depends on the situation, your judgement and your call..
What a brilliant conclusion you got there!!!
How do you 'stumble upon' someone's "secret" unless you are snooping? Wouldn't that be immoral?
i agree with Azilana .. it depeneds on how you define morality. some things maybe immoral to you but not to somebody else.
"I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good, either."
obviously i m a person filled with "moral values"
Though it would be interesting to know:
When does something becomes IMMORAL?
iS IT about PERCEPTION based on what one believes as RIGHT or WRONG?
If you know the secret by mistake then just ignore. It's very bad to take advantage of people's private issues.
i had a Moral Science teacher during my school dayz and SHE WAS HOT !!
U just reminded me of HER.....Damn i missed her..:(
Try to become not moral will make you feel differently great!!!
I dont know Mr. Project manager...
if you cam to know it by mistake, how does it become immoral?
It becomes immoral when you try to take advantage of the situation with the information you have got or when you spread the word about the same to others...
Depends who's judging me.
"We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect." Ambrose Bierce
"Why is my PM access blocked?"
Morality is over-rated
"Live with passion, Die with style"