
By FCK_reality •
what you will do if you miss someone used to be with you all the time? or miss something too much?
what you will do if you reach the limit to spare your life to see again?
is "love or missing" a psycho illness that you can't control?
or a normal need of a situation you used to be before?
or it is just a normal human react to someone or something you loved
someone define missing to me!!!
and tell me what is the cure
hhhmmmm azee... apt description :)
...listen to the sound of silence....
“Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.”
Kay Knudsen
Wine_qatarliving, i agree...
And process of healing takes time as you said.
Hence, it's easier said than done :)
...listen to the sound of silence....
getting high and drunk :)
Thus Spoke Zararootska
missing is like someone had put a very heavy stone on your heart..mostly I do is cried it out...after crying i feel much better....next day again I do the same thing
EMPTINESS....the cure???make urself FULL...how???up to you...do it now, do it fast or else you will grow old with REGRETS :o)
just think of this, when u see a doctor to help you with your sickness, do you expect him to give you instant drug to remove the pain? it will always go through a process. often times, doctors or medicines give us only temporary pain relievers but the sickness is still there.
there should always be an triune participation, the doctor, the medicine and of course yourself.
so to forgive and to forget takes a process, it's not instant. but it's the best cure i ever know in life!
healing wounds can never be easy, but for sure it will heal once you forgive and forget!
wine_qatarliving, your cure is easier said than done, though :)
...listen to the sound of silence....
what do I do.. I do JD and Coke..:)
Can We Fix It?
Yes We Can!
true... f.hot...
_Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated.
_♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥_
_tEacH mE fLy, tAkE mE high_
the act of 'missing' is the future of 'loving' or you can say 'missing' is the present act of 'loving' in the past..cos nothing is permanent if you talk about tangible objects or mortals like us.
missing - it's the state that you are looking for something that is gone already. it's the past, you can't turn back the time.
it's cure - forgive and forget!
Napoleon said before
Love is for weak men only
is he right? or not
or he was just stupid person don't know about this beautiful feeling
i mean his love was more money and power !!!!!
if you don't accept injustice on yourself,why you do it on others???
In many case there will be alternative (replacement to some) even if it concern beings. For a man to miss a lady is either a vitual sense of loss more than physical loss. Even in the case of death of love ones, the 'missing' pain will be there for a given period of time which will evntually phase itself out as life goes on and new events in life tides in. It can be a psycho illness to some who are displaced, weak in hearts and mind. The universal answer is 'pray'
if this is true ~"love or missing" a psycho illness that you can't control?~ then it's scary.. it mean i'm a psycho.. nyahahaha..
~Welcome Sunshine~
the small light in the end of the road telling you that the one will return back
it is really a good feeling :)
if you don't accept injustice on yourself,why you do it on others???
IT is really ugly when we are cursed
1221??? huh !!!reil
:):):) :(
MIssing is surely a humanemotion...which is a big gift from God...as well as a big curse.....Missing someone...which we will get back is happiness..missing someone knowing that we will never get back is curse.....
Here many pepole r cursed than blessed.....I am cursed toooooooo
human emotion...
love & missing are two different things..
it's a normal Illness! nyahahaha
Lolzzz at Stone :D
----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain
Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again
Stare hard at the photo while loving your hands
smoke sum gud kush..
very clever WK lol
FCK reality... you defind it already "it's a psycho illness that you can't control" :)
kidding aside, it's a normal reaction but don't be drowned in it
...listen to the sound of silence....
Go get drunk.. That's the cure.
"Live with passion, Die with style"