Why is '4 x 4' not yet banned?

By Formatted Soul •
He is flooding the forum with his silly nonsense one line threads…Why is he still not banned even after repeated flagging? Is he invisible to Moderators?
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He was a spammer to sum it up. Spamming the forums with one-line threads of nonsense, which in turn harmed the genuine threads. The part that he was annoying is something we could've lived with.
Soniya its not about our liking or dis-liking its about maintaining the standard of the site. Such irrelevant ignorant questions will only make QL look below standards.
Very true painther..Every member of QL has equal rights..If one isn't liking ne post, then better don't put comments and look for other suitable topic according to his/her likings..
If he is banned, it's sad. he has equal right of freedom of expression like any one of us. As far content of his post, then many here will be under scanner and I bet majority posts here are either indivisualised gossip or cut/paste of some weird offensive news article.
QL is like a society.... and a society has all kinds of people.. good, bad, serious, funny, wise, stupid...and so on.
like its said, every single day makes a year and every single stone makes the sphere..
let him have his share of idiosyncrasies..as long as its not offensive..
how do you define "silly" comments? very objective!
were is bajju ?
सोनम दी नेपाली बाबु
FS, He may be MOD himself !! who knows?
even Mods need some fun, right!
s_isale..he is still here with his Poorman id...lol
he is gone
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
I seriously doubt 4x4 is MOD and he is back! He is DA good friend and good repo with MOD.
Lets don't fight amongselves for a multiplier!
FU..maybe I do....I would be happy to get banned!!
you can still post your attention seeking threads:)
I'am surprised at your lack of consideration for other people on QL. You just say what you want and you seem to be monitoring everybody here. I would be surprised if mods don't ban you soon.
Nothing Toxic! Just my two cents!
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
May his soul rest in peace!!
lobot why do you want them to ban you?
"Live with passion, Die with style"
just throw em out...will anybody kick his formatted soul out?
No Dear, If it's that unimportant, I'd reather Skip it!!!
You can be HOT or COLD to me, spare me LUKEWARM!!!!
You still dint get what I was talking about.
tEaCh Me RulEs I'lL tEaCh YoU hOw To BrEaK iT -rMs!
I was answering FS not"Every one"never heard of that person!!!!
If some one want to tak abt 'SHAVARMA2006' it's their wish, look at the posts, the topic is going HOT even at 2010,!!!!!
You can be HOT or COLD to me, spare me LUKEWARM!!!!
Either your comments are vexing polka,with all those gotcha,watcha,katcha and so on..
Pray, Before prayers are said for you..
Stop the attitude of finding something wrong in everyone's post. You re read my comment. I do mentioned 2006 thread !!!!
tEaCh Me RulEs I'lL tEaCh YoU hOw To BrEaK iT -rMs!
RMS ,IF QLers want to talk abt a stale Shawarma let them,After all this is the one place in Qatar where a person can get a breather, without having to worry abt facing the wrath of Kafeel and getting exited . For all the pple working here in fear of their rp's and debths back home,lets give a platform to "let their hair down once in a while kick back their shooes" an just HAVE FUN!!!!And talk abt anything under the sun,If it's not up to our palatte lets not join in ,....PEACE:-)
You can be HOT or COLD to me, spare me LUKEWARM!!!!
Indeed his threads are annoying. And I have reported him to moderators some times back. Qatar Living is an informative site, though there are many stupid threads like 4x4 posts, it should not lose its credibility with all these threads. I remember once i logged in QL, i saw a series of STUPID THREADS posted by 4x4 out of which one post was moved to the main page of QL. And Recently i saw a 2006 thread featured on the front page (Shawarma thread) What's happening to QL ??
tEaCh Me RulEs I'lL tEaCh YoU hOw To BrEaK iT -rMs!
Why cant he post his valuable questons in the question section than flooding the forum?
You can be HOT or COLD to me, spare me LUKEWARM!!!!
Yes FS Dear Drywood also became frywood just because flooding forum
सोनम दी नेपाली बाबु
The point is...
what justification do Moderators have for not banning 4x4 when they banned someone else in the past who did the same thing?
Rizks I am Fully Reloded Sonaam ;)
सोनम दी नेपाली बाबु
So the point is FS....?
You can be HOT or COLD to me, spare me LUKEWARM!!!!
another memeber was banned just bcos he was flooding the forum with his LOVE threads..he didnt do any other offense!
I am talking about Jimmiadi..
C'mon u guys do u seriosly think u r posts r god's greatest gift to mankind/QL?Just like we all hav many faces his posts too r diff. if u dont like it don't keep looking!!!Look some where else, get on with u r life,It's the different flavours the make all the dif in a cup of frozen milk ,don't u think?
BTW Where is he gone????
You can be HOT or COLD to me, spare me LUKEWARM!!!!
Instead BAN Sonam.....lol
If mod is not banning him, dont feed him with your comments ;)
सोनम दी नेपाली बाबु
never seen him posting anything worth reading, its a pity that 'annoying posts' are not included in the guidelines.
to decide
Brady thx for your advice..
4x4 threads are much better than those hipocrite posters...
Sugardady...i didnt say that you attacked anybody...
Where did I disrespect him??
I just posted this bcos I found his threads annoying...
Honestly, that eating cockroach thread did make me laugh out loud, he he he...
Sugardady its not necessary everyone likes everyone’s thread...you are free to say that...without personal attacks..
but flooding substandard threads makes QL look stupid!!
his threads create a bad impression about this site for our new members..so its better to Ban him
only racist posters are supposed to be banned.
unless he doesnt post any offensive or adultrous topic he should not be banned
seriuosly when i see his post i laugh like hell and as usual like to post comments on his forum
QL is heading to the graveyard if the mods allow such things to happen.
how could i recommend QL to my friends? they will think i am also ???.
He is not the only one posting silly one-line threads.
FS, come on buddy..Cool down..Don't be so hyper..Let him(4*4)do what he wanna do..Just don't reply his posts..THATS IT..Its so simple..
But u know one thing, i get amused everytime whenever he puts the weird contents on FORUM topic..
FS...ya, he is still alive...last night his one thread 'milk' got deleted...I thought he got banned... anyways dont get worked up because of him...be Happy...:)
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Risks I wanna try that on you:)
FS have you tried spraying PifPaf ?
Happy ...no he is still alive:)
He seems to be banned already...why so much hulla bulla now....please return to your seats and do something useful for what you are paid for...:)
Have a nice day all...
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Cool down now.. Look outside, It's a beautiful day :)
"Live with passion, Die with style"
Lets all join hands and ban FS......:)
WK.... I just can’t wait to be banned than tolerating such crap!! :)
Yes ban FS :)
I will flag you now :))
"Live with passion, Die with style"
Verisi this thread was not for insulting him; it was for MODs to answer. I did report him few times nothing was done yet nor did I get a reply..
Intelligent... yes I am... its so annoying to see his nonsense thread... can you recommend to ban me instead??
Please dont ban 4 x 4 ...:(
I usually get some wicked ideas from his posts and plus with some handsome points...:)
FS you are exaggerating the things now and please dont insult others. If you dont like how others are you can go your way.
verisimilitude .....
I liked the way you tried to explain FS. Hope she gets it.
he sounds like a drug addict who is using QL in a rehab.
poor guy.. let him be.. atleast someone is talking to him.
Mod's cousin and plus 4x4 got big WASTA lol.
then the cat-fight in QL Pakistan threads.
I don't believe in taking right decisions;
I take decisions and make them right.
Why should he be banned...I get 2 points on all his posts...
No he should not be banned, else we will miss boring and nonsense part of QL. I wonder how he comes up with such ideas "Eating cockroach, tasting sea water etc etc " =P
everyone have the right to go his way ... u dont like the thread, dont comment... leave it!! its because you guys/gal give response and he starts on!!
... BAADSHAH ...
in disguise...
You never know...
I don't believe in taking right decisions;
I take decisions and make them right.
If they banned the 4x4 probably the camel riders will flood the streets, Could you imagine all the streets splatter with camel dung?
My other theory, If they banned all the 4x4 the whole local population will start a civil war against the government.
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
"Do not create topics or posts that criticise, bully or insult other Qatar Living members, and do not flame (e.g. provoke other Qatar Living member into arguments) or impersonate other people. If you wish to make a complaint against another Qatar Living member, please use the "Report Abuse" form on the Contact page."
Jacob the lier???
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
Very true FS.. he should be banned.
Seems he got banned. ________________________________________
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
He is one of the few that posts on this boring site now. If you call for someone to be banned that should be an automatic ban for yourself or a fully paid up membership to the Nazi party.
If I dont like someone, doesn't mean I should kill him or get him killed...I can however avoid him... try to ignore him, you will just be fine....:) ________________________________________
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Let him be
I wanna rephrase my last post, we SHOULD start a petition!
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
U call it "silly nonsense one line threads" but u peeps keep on posting comments in his thread.
mods plz ban him
We could start a petition...
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
he is amusing...
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
lol... I was just trying to guess his thought process :)
"Live with passion, Die with style"
WK am expecting an answer from the Mod..:)
He is inspired by Pajju and trying to do what Pajju did when he first joined..
"Live with passion, Die with style"
because 4WD are very popular in qatar.
UKeng..he is doin it for the past few days ..you think Mods didnt see him yet??
Cos the Moderators are offline at the moment.. Will let them know of your concerns when they login..:)
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