Best High End Florist in Doha

By skinniestfatman •
Im trying to send flowers to my fiancée in Doha, from abroad. Finding a reliable high end / luxury florist or flower delivery service in Doha is daunting. I have used one I discovered over the internet called
- which worked well the first time, but a later order proved disappointing. There must be a boutique flower shop somewhere in one of the large hotels perhaps?
Any help would be much appreciated
I would recommend to use flowersnext and their product are very and prices too .
Flowers are all-time favorite to express a myriad of human emotions, but due to busy schedules, no one has time to visit florists to deliver their emotions. There are many functions and occasions such as ester, Christmas, Valentine's day, wedding parties and many other memorable events where flowers are essential elements. Flower delivery has emerged as one of the convenient and reliable measures to deliver smiles to your loved ones. With the help of a mouse click, you can shop around for floral arrangements, fresh flowers, bouquets, etc online with regular discounts and also get enhanced selection appealing you the most.
thank you nart for the publicity, do not forget to put your flower orders for valentines day, best bouquet and arrangements are garenteed!!
Call Alissar flowers at 5801343.
Plaza Hollandi well known name in Qatar under managed by Al maktab Al Qatari Al Hollandi w.l.l since 1980
Conact: Krishan Events and Public relations
Tel: +974 467 1384
Fax :+ 974 467 0285
Mobile: +974 584 9003
Email: [email protected]
Branches;Land mark, Royal Plaza, Villaggio,Carrefore lanndmark
well the best high end florist in doha is Alissar Flowers, Loctated at Four seasons and W Hotel . they do flowers deliveries in Doha, Dubai, Syria, Lebanon And of corse Jordan.
For any inquiry please call the following number:
Tel: 5801343.
How about something even better than Flowers? :) This is what I have ordered for valentines. It's a very well known brand in the US and it is very impressive! They have 2 shops in Doha:
well i think larissa is the best..
they've got nice flowers and they deliver too..
why dont u try that
+| Jokk3R |+
I can help you out with that...
I will email you my email/phone.