Mind Your Own Business (MYOB)
When should we stick our noses about others' actions and when to mind our own business?
Generally, I dont go around prying into other people's lives as long as it doesnt concern me and i expect the same for others. I often get disappointed though.
I dont see why minding your own business is hard to do if it doesnt affect you in anyway. and if it does, thats another story.
There are those nosy types who likes to meddle. They impose the society's norm and worse, judge you based on your acts without even knowing the reasons behind it (they actually dont have to know, they have their own lives to take care of).
We dont have the right to say whether one's action is appropriate or inappropriate -- this is why hate norms. i hate confining myself in these sets of rules. If we're not stepping on anyone or hurting someone, they dont have the right to tell us what is wrong and right.
"Make somebody happy today. Mind your own business." ~Ann Landers
dont get me wrong, its ok to be curious.. but some tend to get judgmental. dont mind them if they have nothing to do with you. :)
..ReaLitY haS a WaY oF snEaKinG uP aNd biTinG us iN tHe aSS..
in other's business make it more cautious and prepared for competitiveness. It will always be two sides, right or wrong, depending who is talking! If we all mind our own business, do you think this is the kind of world we are now? Maybe a "rotten" world but still an exciting one to live in!
"Why is my PM access blocked?"
Yes Rishimba there are nosy ones and there are smart-a*ses as well.
If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.
really? didnt know that. :P
..ReaLitY haS a WaY oF snEaKinG uP aNd biTinG us iN tHe aSS..
in general nosy people have less work at hand and thus have a lot of time to think and talk about others.....its actually not to sincerely correct the others..but to show their superiority and satisfy their ego..
MYOB is a popular in NA accountant software for the small to medium businesses :)
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
amen to that
If language did change since then, meanings of words & phrases changed as well. Written guidelines and rules must reflect the present.