Are they all that alien?

This a post in my blog that i had written ALL BY MYSELF based on a thought that had been going on in my mind since a very long time. Please read through when you get time and let me know if the points I have stated are valid.
Aliens and UFOs-a topic that has been much researched and studied by great scientists and thinkers of our times and before. Likewise, I too pondered on it and came up with a strange but likely hypothesis.
Firstly, let me put forward a few well-known facts that will be of utmost importance to our discussion. There are many theories to explain the origin of our universe. One of the most widely accepted ones is the Big Bang Theory. According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe came into being sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from a cosmic explosion that hurled matter and in all directions. Eventually, planets, stars, galaxies, asteroids, and all other astronomical matter that we know of formed. There are also theories that state that there are not one but several solar systems within one galaxy and thousands of such galaxies.
Archaic forms of Homo sapiens evolved about 500000 years ago. We are aware of the fact that man has been constantly evolving and adapting to the changes in his environment. The world is not the same way today as it was during the time it was formed. Innumerable changes have taken place in its appearance as well as it’s other internal and external features…. just as changes take place in our bodies, both internal and external, as we grow older…and man has constantly been adapting his body and lifestyles to the changes.
Now, let us come to the point. There is every possibility of there having been more than one Big Bang. If it can happen once, why not earlier or later as well? So, there are possibilities of there being yet another solar system wherein another earth exists which also underwent the same physical changes that our planet underwent. But this solar system may have begun it’s life much earlier or much later than ours…. the time of the Bang need not have been the same. So, let us assume the existence of a solar system and a pseudo planet earth elsewhere in our galaxy… or in some other galaxy. In addition, we shall also assume that they were formed a few million years before us. Now, that planet would also have evolved life and there might have been humans like us living there as well! The problems we face on our planet today might also have been faced by people there like global warming, pollution, acid rain, ozone layer depletion and hordes of other problems too. Though technology was advancing, man could not have possibly kept up with the rapid changes taking place around him and without his knowledge, his body continued the evolution process, though very slowly, and adapted to the changes around him. Do you think it would have been possible for a cave man to have survived in such a polluted environment like us? No. His body would not have had the resistance power for it. But are we not surviving in this world? How? The answer is evolution & adaptation.
Our bodies are naturally programmed to automatically undergo change with changes in our environment. So, we consider that the evolution process continued in the pseudo earth too. As the levels of pollution went higher and higher, man’s body adjusted itself by forming added resistance both internal and external. Now this may sound a little offbeat but it cannot be ruled out either. Man develops higher levels of internal pollution resistance and externally, his skin color and texture may change to combat the increasing amounts of UV radiation seeping through the enormous holes in the ozone layer. Alongside these bodily changes, man is also advancing in technology. He is constantly searching for a place where he can move to as he knows that the end of this world is near. The sun is nearing its death and it is only a few hundred years away. Man frantically searches for another place where he can survive and finally does…. on some other planet in some other galaxy…it could be anywhere else. However, his body does not require so much fresh air and water like before as it is accustomed to the adverse living conditions on it’s earlier residence. Hence finding a place to live will not prove to be as difficult either. Man moves entirely to other planets and settles down there. Depending on the place he chooses to stay, his body undergoes further changes and so does his appearance. Now you must not forget that I am speaking of a very large time span and it may range over millions of years. Hence, these new forms of highly advanced and strange looking beings are what we know as aliens!
It could be that they go on tours of the universe in search of other forms of life and resources to power their projects and they stumble upon a planet on which life exists but in a form much pre-historic to them…. US! It may be during such instances when we claim of having seen ‘aliens’ and ‘flying saucers’ and ‘UFOs’. They may have come in search of food, resources or may have been on scientific explorations! It is just that we surprise each other. When they feel that the reception is hostile, they attack us. Alien sighting reports often suggest that in spite of the humanoid appearances that they have, they are technologically much more advanced than we are. Nevertheless, we cannot blame them for their actions. If we were to find a world elsewhere where dinosaurs and cavemen still live, wouldn’t we be urged to bring back a person or animal from that world to ours? They are also similar…. and their actions are too.
I believe that our future is also similar to them. They vary in appearances and behavioral patterns due to the climatic and environmental differences of the places they live in. I do not advocate that they are innocent or harmless. Just as they are to us, we are strange beings to them too… and they do not know if they will be accepted here in our world. Think about it…. Are we seeing our distant future through these beings? Well, maybe we are after all!
These are a good reason for UFO sightings:
SS you say Aliens want to avoid us...Why would they want to do that?...When they are more advanced to us?
Also are these the same bunch of folks who call Mahabharata and Ramayana as Myth or fiction (and not historical facts) and then go on to talk about the existence of Aliens...give me a break here!!!
I do consider myself a mutant of my own culture and civilization, If you need my explanations and philosophical
views, then pick a number to be call in for an interview...
did I answer your question?
Up to now, with the advance in science and everything else, no proof of an alien! Or am I missing something?
"Why is my PM access blocked?"
give me some proof....of those Idiots roaming on Earth!
Don't you see so many assumptions and scientific calculation undertaken, just to prove the existence of ALIENS.
Believe me there is Nothing like ALIENS! It is all our illusionary effect of watching too many hollywood movies!
But I thought you mentioned this that's why I mentioned 'religion'. There's no meaning in that section for the term.
why can't you just think of a world where all these light years and stuff have no meaning whatsoever?
Either you (or the aliens) accept the fact that there is lightyears of distance from planets and galaxies apart...or screw science and let the aliens go to their own holy books...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
lightyears are not a part of childish sci-fi stories,my dear's just a measure of distance/ more scientific terms,a light-year is a unit of length, equal to just under 10 trillion (i.e. 1013) kilometers. As defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), a light-year is the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one Julian year
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
heero....why can't you just think of a world where all these light years and stuff have no meaning whatsoever?it means a lot to us.probably it means nothing to them....
Well you can try religion. There's no such thing as lightyears in that section. ;-P
And c'mon! Lightyears is also a nice science 'fantasy'! Been a sci-fi fan all my life and I love science and astronomy!
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
don't utter that word here!the volatile 'R' word!please!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
go through the entire discussion,texas....u'll see that we were talking serious science i said,it is pretty obvious that they do not want to show themselves to us.but then again,like there are idiots amongst us,there is ever likelihood that there are idiots among them too....who have unwittingly made the grave mistake of goofing up an operation and accidentally showing themselves to us....resulting in the so-called UFO sightings.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
svelte, you mean there are extra-terrestrial intelligent beings who have already discovered earth & they don't want to show up? or they show up once in a while through UFOs? Sorry, I can't buy that story. As said earlier, if they are to ever visit earth it would be much more obvious than just an obscure UFO seen by 'a few people'. Lol... this discussion is getting serious...
You can not rule out the same theory to all the phenomenon, specially on which topics we are talking about. As on human being they do have allergy for different stuff…why we do not have all? So it depends on even human to human so how we could force our own physics law on one of unknown mater?
thanks for the 100th comment,siyan!
yes,what u say is also another LincolnPirate pointed out,all we know by our laws of physics is that we humans will not survive such a transition.that does not rule out the fact that it may not be possible by higher beings.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
I'm not talking about the tour of galaxy by human. I'm wondering about the thought/method like wormhole, teletransportations...which is being talk by big this some of them assume the 'alien' are using this for travel to galaxy to galaxy
galaxy tours are just not for our lifetime.we'll have to wait for technology to develop further for all that.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
The theory postulates a 'White Hole' at the other side of a 'Black Hole', but you will not survive the transition.
Interesting topic going on.
I had read somewhere about the teletransportation or like wormhole as possible base for the tour of galaxy???? What is all about this? I'm sure SS may explain more well..
do take a look at my previous comment to jackmohan as a reply to ur comment
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
svelte, I remember reading a lecture by Stephen Hawking where he speculates about life in the universe. It talks about why he thinks development of "intelligent" life is so rare & why it would be very difficult for us to find "intelligent" life anywhere else in the universe. Its an interesting question to ask as to why we have not yet been visited by so called aliens. Regarding UFOs he has this to say & I quote "I discount suggestions that UFO's contain beings from outer space. I think any visits by aliens, would be much more obvious, and probably also, much more unpleasant." But there are fairly good chances of finding basic creatures like bacteria & stuff on other planets.
Here's the link:
jack...we don't see them often just for the simple reason that they don't want to show themselves to us.that does not rule out the fact that they don't exist at the present day humans,there are idiots amongst them as well who make the mistake of accidentally revealing themselves to us
dmightysolomon.....who told you so?ur best friend?duh!
nasir....this is not a joke thread.
heero....why can't you just think of a world where all these light years and stuff have no meaning whatsoever?it means a lot to us.probably it means nothing to them....
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
its loooking as a funny circus... hahahahaha read and have fun...... keeep smiling..its loooking as a funny circus... hahahahaha read and have fun...... keeep smiling...
...light years away...
...but will have no chance to get into another planet with another lifeform. No lifeform is highly omnipotent enough to travel those light year distances.
...except, I think, David Bowman? ;-P
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
My question is related to the existence of Aliens....My Question is Why would they avoid us...?
If they existed then the you would have seen them, I would have seen them, everybody would have seen them least once in a life time?...and not just some vague publication years ago...
Most of the stories of aliens are handed down by US Airforce...or the people directly or indirectly connected to them or who live nearby to their testing fields.....
What would a layman call this flying object here?
An UFO right? Well this footage would be about 10yrs old.
Here is one more footage that could be todays....included in the action out for the flying object.(around 2min and 18 sec into the footage) UFO?
Here is the beast of Kandhar Drone...again an UFO?:
again mr. pirates? look i will not despute what ever thoughts you have.(mr. genious) but i will give you a pair hearing. just wait till the (CERN)(LHC) finished its experiment and wait for their further conclussion. i admire the efforts of those scientist and engineers though.lets wait and see.
"Why is my PM access blocked?"
Maybe you should read the link that you posted yourself victory -
Here is the last excerpt - "It is true that some people do object to the theory of evolution, but these objections are not scientific ones. They are usually aesthetic or theological objections (and even those don't really hold-up to rational scrutiny)"
And there are examples of evolution that you can see in your day to day life = Cockroaches or Mosquitoes. You use a kind of Cockroach or Mosquito killer/repellant regularly, and they become impervious to its effect.
Victory, animals change and 'develop' permanently. Just recently the BBC reported that swans have given up monogamy as a result of the altered environment. In the long run that could lead to swans becoming humans and practice divorce.
I still need answers to above questions?
.....@SS on Darwin's
Flan start typing when you are in Irish Harp, you may come up with something similar :P
**** Aal Izz Well****
looks like this was written from uranus.
Greek for FS
Chinese for Alien
For me, this language is yet to discover. :(
Saggi, Good post though it contain so much technical stuff, it is interesting.
tEaCh Me RulEs I'lL tEaCh YoU hOw To BrEaK iT -rMs!
FS... greek? you are better of. Its Chinese to me
Interesting read indeed.. thanks guys.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words never hurt me."
did we experienced a few animals evolving into something else?
With Hybrid fertilisation / production methods, clonings process.....we could definitely generate more satans than Humans.
Lets take this way, post evolution of we could still find some remained monkeys?
Lincoln. you ddnt get vicory'spoint.. he is askin about the million year old one evolved to the last stages and looks close to a human :) anyone??.. where is my mirror??
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words never hurt me."
It takes millions of years, Victory! You won't have the time to watch it.
I think the monkeys that evolved into humans are now called humans, not monkeys.
It's like saying 'if eggs hatch into chickens, then why don't eggs look like chickens'?
not a single monkey now get EVOLVED even close to a Human Being?
it's so good to see some sensible topics being discussed on QL....i feel a bit of the old QL returning!keep going guys....i'm logging out for the day.hope this topic remains alive.i've loved every post! :-) cheers!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Dinner? can we prove a soul? where does it goes after death?.....
Science is good as far as it benefits us.
arien....hearty thanks,boss!u'll see the link on my FB profile page!cheers! :-)
vic....Darwin's theory of evolution still stands true.we definitely CAN trace our origins back to apes.what is so difficult to comprehend in that?don't tell me u believe man just dropped down from somewhere like the apple that fell on newton's head!jeez!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Humans are most restless being on Earth, he spoiled the life of another humans, animals, nature and environment........HE still not satisfied so started looking at other planets.....:(
Happy reading, fubar. Guess you'll need more than just one afternoon.
Then you probably didn't read any of the thread matter before posting jackmohan. We are discussing the possibility of the existence of Alien life here. Not the alien abduction theories or conspiracies.
Thanks Lincoln, I didn't know that! Now I'll probably spend the afternoon reading up on cosmology when I should be working.
why do u read so much sci-fi???our blood is their fuel indeed....!hah!
whatever u say neither proves nor disproves anything.
why would they come and take us prisoners if we polluted our earth?it's like u visit somebody's house and u see him throwing mud at his walls and u take him's none of ur business what he does to his house.
birds in the sky???what the....?have u been seeing late night movies on 'Superman'??
there have been sightings and written proofs about belief of extraterrestrial life well before the 6th and 7th centuries BC
they certainly are smarter than us if not anything else.coz till date we haven't been able to catch even one of them alive....
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
I've been sailing cross the universe, whyteknight, in search for the ultimate pot of gold. I guess I found it, the search is over.
@ smoke, It's my life's duty to enlighten people..
Pirate why are you so interested in Aliens, you want to rob them as well ;)
**** Aal Izz Well****
fubar, Hubble only observed the expansion, but he could not explain the reason. That is the target of dark energy physics!
deepb ...I am talking in the normal context....
Where it is assumed that they enter our Earth atmosphere at will and do experiments on us and our blood is their fuel...etc
So what is proved with proof according to you victory? That alien life form does not exist? Kindly enlighten us as to how that has been proved scientifically.
If you were an alien, then a human would be an 'alien' to you. And since humans aren't going around the cosmos trying to take over different planets and kill the inhabitants, why should we suppose that the 'other' aliens want to do so. Perhaps they are happy on their alien planet watching alien tv and surfing their alien internet.
We barely made it to the moon, and then pretty much gave up. The distances to any nearby planets capable of sustaining life are so huge that it really wouldn't be worth the bother.
Smoke - Big Bang was a term coined by a scientist called Hoyle. He thought the theory was stupid and was trying to make a joke by using such a silly name.
And the expanding universe can be proved by Hubble's Law, not particle physics.
Qatar Explorer....its a challenge on human intellect!
I quote...
"The facts of today were yesterday's theories,remember?so today's theories will become the facts of tomorrow....who knows?" I disagree
I am 100% sure that theories of today will become obselete like Darwin's monkey theory....and will replace by new PROVED Testimonials......we believe in what is/has proved/proofs.
how is it impossible!?!? of course we're just imagining here , we're not based on facts...but im saying that "and this is true" in 1986 there were too many sightings of ufos in a desert in mexico , and people were swearing that they saw fast lights in the sky after 14 years . the american army admitted that back then they were trying the "phantom" or "ghost" the black undetectable imagine what they are trying now in sure they are doing something "amazing" ...give this american army a million year...what do you think they'll be able to invent!?!?
we're still imagining of course , but i say , there's no limit to our imagination...there's no limit to our powers , i do not beleive in "intelligent life" outside earth (religion) ..but i beleive that we will rule the universe and simply we can comeback whenever we want to our mother land "earth"!!!
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
Before reading. Maggie. Thank you so much for writing about me. :D
Pls PM ur blog link , I would like to follow
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words never hurt me."
Why do you assume that all life forms are violent jackmohan?
And aliens could exist, even if they are millions of light years away from us and neither of us knew about each others existence. At best, you can discount all the alien sightings and such. You can't really say for a fact that they do not exist.
I can say that it doesn't matter if there are aliens or not. We will not have contact. There is no way to bridge the distances. (The universe currently expands with a rate of one lightyear per hour, that's about 9 trillion kilometers).
I cannot answer about the Universe...but what I can say logically is that there are no Aliens.
Most of the proof of Aliens comes from one source.
Also if they were intelligent than us they would have taken as prisoners etc for "poluting" or destroying the earth...if they wanted to do experiments on us they could have done it without us being able to do anything.
If they were there they would have been as visible as birds in the sky!...especially if they had superior technology which we couldn't harm with our missiles...
They would have been visible at least 50 yrs ago when there were no missiles with us...
And if they were weaker than us then we would have destroyed/captured them...just as we do to the wild animals....
does that mean they can actually come and physically touch us?how is that possible?
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
darn!but it does scare me....the very concept!does it have a death at all?saw this picture on Wiki and thought of sharing it!jeez!
Simulation of Gravitational lensing by a black hole which distorts the image of a galaxy in the background.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
now i disagree :) who said that they'll come back to a dead society "something long gone and dead" ... what im saying that they'll come back to any year they want ... so if they came back to 1980 , they could have went to see my mother giving birht to me...if they came in 2010 , they could see me sitting on my desk typing on my im not understanding why ur saying that it's dead!!!
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
As you correctly said, svelte, black holes do radiate, and they have every chance to evaporate. They don't always 'feed'. There is one in the center of each galaxy, even our own. But the black hole has a problem, there is not enough material within the reach of it's gravitanional pull. It might die hungry.
Qatar explorer- who said it all works in a precise controlled manner? Planets do shift away from their orbit, even if its very slightly. And like lincoln said try reading up on the Big-Bang Theory before comparing it to some sort of crude explosion.
According to the theory, most planets were not in the form that they are in currently. It has evolved over time, from initially not being able to support simple life forms to becoming a complete eco-system. And only 1 planet that we know of is suitable for supporting life out of a multitude. So if you look at that picture, this planet is just one in order, out of billions in chaos.
time travel is a totally a different topic.i agree with what u say in the first part of ur post....about our future looking like zombies.but how can they come back in time and see something that is long dead and gone???okay,if u're talking about entering somebody's memory and going back in time into a virtual world,it's fine with me.time travelling into a physical world....?i don't think so.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
black holes are one concept that have disturbed me as well...ever since i heard about them the first time in school.i wonder what actually happens to something that moves into a black hole....
according to the general theory of relativity, black hole is a region of space from which nothing, including light, can escape. It is the result of the deformation of spacetime caused by a very compact mass. Around a black hole there is an undetectable surface which marks the point of no return, called an event horizon. It is called "black" because it absorbs all the light that hits it, reflecting nothing, just like a perfect black body in thermodynamics.Under the theory of quantum mechanics black holes possess a temperature and emit Hawking radiation.
not even light!IMAGINE THAT!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
u may also add , that after a few million years , the earth's human being will loose some of the parts in his body that aren't used , like ear and noise , and also he'll change the skin color because of all the contamination in the atmospher and he'll get thinner because of the gravity if u look at us after some million year , we'll be looking exactly like the "little green men" we see as aliens in comic books , movies they are US but after some million u think US after a million year wont be able to invent a "time traveling machine"?!?!? im sure we can ,,, so in my opinion , aliens exist , but they aren't exactly aliens..they are simply our grand children...
I'm Jack's complete lack of surprise
look up about the assumed isotropic nature of the universe.then u'll get answers to your questions.and then again,there's a whole lot of magnetic principles to explain why the planets move in elliptical orbits.
to quote from wiki again..
To cope with the vast distances involved, many representations of the Solar System show orbits the same distance apart. In reality, with a few exceptions, the farther a planet or belt is from the Sun, the larger the distance between it and the previous orbit. For example, Venus is approximately 0.33 astronomical units (AU) farther out from the Sun than Mercury, while Saturn is 4.3 AU out from Jupiter, and Neptune lies 10.5 AU out from Uranus.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Sure, its not improbably to discover technologies that sound far fetched today. I personally feel Black holes could hold some sort of a clue, as laws of physics tend to get negated near them. The possibilities are infinite in the future.
I'm more interested in what could come into fruition during the course of my short life span. Call me selfish or narrow minded for that if you will! :P
qatarexplorer, if you don't know what the 'Big Bang' was, and if you falsly compare it to an 'explosion', you better don't argue here.
a big bang is a theory. scientist findings and studies. but if you will look at the other angle, let say in a logical way. we know that in an explosion big or small there is kiosk. fragments of matters scattered all over the places. no proper direction. but if you look at the universe, the planets, the stars, the sun and the moon and everything in it. they are all in perfect position, in orderly fashion. exact orbit, distance and rotation. how come a magnifecent creation with precise calculation can be a result of a big bang?
make a small experiment. put a box of gun powder mix with any kind of materials then make it to explode then what you will see.
this theory (big bang)is a simple attack on human intellect. those scientist are simply denying the existence of the great maker, the great designer. and they will continue to deny Him. supposedly they are the first to acknowledge Him, because they are all knowledgeable but no they are the last or maybe not at all...
And funny enough, the dark energy corresponds to Einstein's Universal Gravity constant in magnitude, which Einstein thought was his 'greatest mistake' when he introduced it to his equations.
Sounds greek to me.. I was very weak in Physics..:(
Brit..dont expose people on QL..I am gonna flag
Not really, svelte. They had to 'invent' dark energy to explain the accelerating (!) expansion of the universe.
the reason as to WHY the universe is expanding can be clearly explained by the principles of Particle Physics
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
smoke, your idea is wrong. The universe 'creates' the space and time it grows into. There isn't anything 'outside'. As a child I also had a problem to understand it.
i sure will! xx
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
am not really a big bang fanatic, or an alien enthusiast, so saggi, when you get answers to your questions, do be a dear and share them with me alright? ;)
for instance,assume there was a thinker (very rare possibility) among the early humans....he would have's IMPOSSIBLE to walk without the aid of all four limbs....but then over several millenia,a new species was evolved that gradually developed fully opposable thumb which freed the hands from walking and was used to get a firmer grip on weapons.
so evolution can lead to many things....we are still unaware of what lies in store for us.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Saggi exactly why is this universe expanding? Whats the theory on that? Its easy to say ok BIG BANG *is that even a freaking scientific term!* was the start of everything and now the universe is expanding, but why is it expanding. For the universe to keep expanding there has to be even more space out there to expand right?
Think of the universe as a balloon still needs space around it to expand.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I'm sure they do, svelte. Our laws are not our laws. We discovered the laws that rule space and time. They are there if we know them or not.
that's for us!maybe it doesn't affect them....who knows?maybe our laws of physics don't apply to them.....
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Sorry, too complicated for me to understand.:-)'s expanding forever according to the theory,dude.and the facts of today were yesterday's theories,remember?so today's theories will become the facts of tomorrow....who knows?
colt45....thanks a lot,mate!yeah,it's just a thought i'd been playing around with
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
WK if you have all the answers why you going around door to door like a sales man trying to enlighten us? :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
svelte, the problem is not the fuel, the problem is that when you reach the speed of light your dimensions will shrink to zero. You cease to exist.
Smoke I came to you with all the answers but you were sh*tting in the toilet at that time :P
**** Aal Izz Well****
Well written i must add... food for thought huh? Damn is there another me out there somewhere on pseudo planet earth elsewhere in our galaxy????
These are all theories and NO MAN knows for a fact that the big bang could have sparked the start of the universe and life. What sense does that make? The start of the universe expanding to where, till when and why is it expanding? What is the limit to this universe or multi-verses? No man is that intelligent enough to have the answer to these questions.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
colt45....grrr! :-P
rizks...guess that kinda explains ur erratic behaviour!
deepb....i have mentioned in my write-up that i'm talking of an enormous time-span here.and for sure it's not going to happen anytime in the near future.but i believe that it will.....
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
SS all these human beings amuse me with their comments and thoughts. Even saints need to laugh once in a while :)
**** Aal Izz Well****
vic...demons are different;aliens are different!demons are just evil beings....aliens are our future!
WK...then what r u doing on QL?grr! :-P
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
As fubar pointed out, only 1 Big-bang could've occurred according to the theory. But, even without taking it, the universe is nearly infinite( it keeps expanding at a ridiculous rate as we speak).
It's highly likely that there are other intelligent life forms out there. But then, evolution is a matter of millions of years. The human species is still very much at the infant stages. Maybe in a further million years or two, we could find proof of intelligent alien life !
It's a whole different matter that its not going to be in our lifetime.
i saw one UFO when i was in the toilet back home in one of my frnds village.....
I fell from the commod and my head hit the TAP which was just in front of me and my head after sometimes was looking like an ALIEN.....LOL
they for sure went to the moon and had "chai" there from our very own "I am a malyalee, i wearing pink lungi"... no offense! :-P
SS I guess I never told you, I am a saint far removed from all these things :P
**** Aal Izz Well****
did you watch 'Paranormal Activities'
Paranormal Activity, the story of a young middle class couple who become increasingly disturbed by a possible demonic presence in their new HOUSE!
this is not misleading humans, my comment to's just a quest into the unknown!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
then its Misleading humans.
Something is wrong.....We apply Science for the betterment of humans!
Everybody taking undue advantage of human behaviour ...
and natural characteristics.
A powerful tool for capitalists!
Haunted House, Nightmare. Scarry movies, Osama,.....
Scare and sell the solution to the world......
Y2k, H1N1 Flu, Glacier melting, UFO's Alien......all seems science fictions, nothing in REAL!
if u choose to think THAT way,then nothing will seem to matter to might as well become a hermit!these are all world issues,my friend!and as long as we are a part of that world,we have a moral responsibility to question and get answers.
for instance,if that simple gawky teenager from the US had not asked a simple doubt as to how come the national flag of the USA is seen fluttering happily in the video footage of Neil Armstrong's first step on the moon when it is a known fact that there is no air on the moon for the flag to flutter,would any of us even have given a second thought to it?i mean,i know that i gave it a thought only then.....i still don't believe they actually went to the moon....duh!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Ok why do you want to know about those galaxies svelte.. Does it matter what goes on in outer space, I think not. Sheer waste of money and time.
**** Aal Izz Well****
Vic...this is just science!
fubar...alright!i get ur point and wiki helped me understand it better,thanks!but then wiki also says that that There are probably more than 170 billion (1.7 × 1011) galaxies in the observable universe.Most galaxies are 1,000 to 100,000 parsecs in diameter and are usually separated by distances on the order of millions of parsecs (or megaparsecs) which also further aids in my the way,the observable universe consists of the galaxies and other matter that we can in principle observe from Earth in the present day, because light (or other signals) from those objects has had time to reach us since the beginning of the cosmological expansion;which implies that in effect there may be so many more galaxies that we have absolutely no idea about.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
and natural characteristics.
A powerful tool for capitalists!
Haunted House, Nightmare. Scarry movies, Osama,.....
Scare and sell the solution to the world......
Y2k, H1N1 Flu, Glacier melting, UFO's Alien......all seems science fictions, nothing in REAL!
interstellar travel need not cover huge distances.but then,doesn't that depend on the fuel being used?what if they use a much more technologically advanced fuel than what we do?
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
I think you misunderstand the Big Bang theory. According to the generally accepted Big Bang theory, it did not occur 'in' the universe, but it happened and 'created' space.
Think of it this way - the universe wasn't a big empty room inside of which the big bang took place. Prior to the big bang there was no space. The Big Bang created the room.
However, leaving that aside, it is not unreasonable to assume that somewhere else in the universe there may be other forms of more (or less) advanced life.
khattak....the topic is much bigger,my friend.this is but a summary!
smoke....there!u're on track,mate!don't we see several proved laws of physics being disproved every now and then?so there is every likelyhood of the existence of forces unknown to us....and yes!the truth is out there.
i had shown this article to a classmate who works as an astrophysicist in the US.she had asked me to send it to NASA and see what they have to say about it.i reckon i'll need more info before i head out to do something like that.this is a summary of the main article i'd written.don't want to be plagiarized.that's why i didn't post the original one anywhere.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Smoke, there is a hefty debate among physicists if 'Laws' are really laws. The majority accepts them. But the way the universe functions doesn't allow for really big 'surprises' anymore. As Robert Kirschner says: we should be pretty proud of what he have achieved, and I don't expect that our fundamentals have to be changed. Of course, you cannot believe it, if you want.
Then again our laws of physics is just limited to our world or do we know what laws of physics are out there? May be there is something else thats faster than the speed of light that we have no clue about?
What i dont understand is all the top secret, hush hush, conspiracies etc by the US government about UFO's i mean if there really is alien life out there and they have made contact..we the people have a right to know. Either that or this UFO business is all a bunch of bullcrap invented to keep us entertained.
The truth is out there. :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Very well written...Now would you please summarize?
----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain
Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again
that's exactly my point!i am suggesting a novel concept.if one big bang happened and we all resulted out of it,why is it not scientifically possible for yet another such to have happened elsewhere in the universe?as you say,it's way to expansive.and look at the way our technology is advancing day by day.who knows what we have in store?
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Nobody goes on "tour" through the Universe. It's too big. Even the highest possible speed (of Light) is not suitable for interstellar travel. What you suggest is against all what physics knows.
that's why i said,read through when u get's not a copy paste from any's my own write-up.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
saggi tooo long :)