Threads disappearing....

Have been back a week now, and I seem to have noticed something odd on QL... or is it just my imagination...
Threads seem to just vanish into thin air... besides the religious threads that can be patronising at times, I always thought QL was pretty open when it came to controversial threads...
But over the last few days, I have noticed that those threads seem to just disappear.
What is happening?
or you may be next............
isale: Justifying one mistake citing another? :-p When did the west become a benchmark for u guys?
Winn its the same question that can be asked in the west.
Would jailing a holocaust denier prevent anyone from stop denying it?
Double standards run rife with everyone.
comments as we all live in this world where the rule of law and guidelines is prevalent. But the problems lies when the moderators themselves are the one to be moderated. Let's accept it, almost all the forum moderators are also members of the forum and actively participate in the discussions and now, I just realize that there are also instances that their views are also worth moderating. This is what I am asking, "who police the police?"
If the guidelines are broken by the moderators or administrators of group forums, maybe unintentionally or intentionally, who moderates them? Not everyone understand all the languages used in the different forums, how confident are the main forum administrators in giving the powers to certain individuals? For anonymous moderators, it will be fine to guard each other, but what about those who knew each other? Conspiracy theory? I don't know!
"I'm back, simple as that"
LOL @nic
Some comments and threads deserved to be deleted too..
**** Aal Izz Well****
threads are deleted by modz obviously...
due to 'flag as offensive'... ! :\
Life is full of choices. And everytime you choose, there will always regret. Whenever you make a choice, choose the one which will result to least regret.
The question here is, will censoring those theads prevent people from thinking in a particular way? Would it address (forget change) and try to influence negative perceptions about whatever it is trying to protect? Again, if someone has to resort to censorship of this sort to make any place look good, it doesnt say much about the place, does it?If at all, it only makes the region look worse.
What exactly does censoring achieve? Sweep things under a carpet till it rots there?
Bleu, mon cher,
I know it's not that, just sometimes you might be feeling lazy ;)
I'm not intelligent. I'm a "Norwegian Blue" parrot :P
You got it right there.Better you throw out yourself before you get throwed.I iterate,Internet is not that anonymous as you think it is.
Pitstop:Indeed I'm! ;P
Pray, Before prayers are said for you..
hehehehe... why you seldom write anything from your own and often you limit your self in coping what other wrote just swapping the nouns?!
If you don't agree, I would love to read from you an intelligent counter argument so we can debate.
No one can debate with a parrot!
bleu you are spot on.
In each country there are rules and regulations.
In Europe if you criticise the holocaust you can be sent to jail. Where is the freedom that they are claiming?
YOU don’t understand and don’t feel comfortable (YOU are programmed differently) coexisting in a world different from your own.
They don’t understand and don’t feel comfortable (they are programmed differently) coexisting in a free world where independent, critical and creative thinking is encourage... nothing we can do except get away from the castrators!
Be respectful to your hosting country you say. We are.. We just don’t abuse it like others. 1 week 4 days and the new kid on the block.. Yes.. so what , Being Australian I don’t know what it like to have to be in a class pool. How long do i have to wait before i can comment on losers in general? This will be something to look forward to for the future.
The thread about David Proctor disappeared, guess QL is now told what is permitted?
blablubliblrrr well then, you are one of the lucky ones :P
Drovers dog, you have been a member for a week+4 days and you are letting your mouth run. You might as well man up to the negative vibes and address your crap in real life and not behind a monitor/screen.
Plus, the Bin Laden mask - you are seriously addressing that?
Again, be respectful to your hosting country.
must have been deleted before I arrived back home.
"I will not accept anyone bashing my country and sit back and clap at the end of the show. " ... me neither...
The Flag as offensive link gives you a text box to fill and you need to select the reason why you think it's offensive (foul language/adult themes/racist or sexist language/private info/other) The mods don't delete everything that's flagged. They still use their own judgment. It's exactly like the "Contact" link, just much faster.
Unfortunately the fate of Threads or posts depends on individuals that hid behind under the privilege of "MODS".
The criteria that some of them use is not more than their feeling/mood of the moment they apply the ban.
I have had personal messages from some of them trying to justify their childish behavior. Most of the times they don't bother to provide any feedback, even when you ask them the reasons for their often abrupt decision.
Saying this is not fare to condemn "MODS" as an individual, because they are more than one and each one act in accordance with their personal competences.
No way to improve this as there seems to be any leadership behind the team.
We are all at their unpredictable mercy!
PS. What happened to Dracula?
Mind your language D dog.Remember that you are living in their country and speaking against them.It may be good for you to sit behind the screen and through belittling comments against them-What a man you are!Let me remind you something,Internet is not that anonymous as you think it is.Grow Up!
Pitstop:I know you better. :)
Pray, Before prayers are said for you..
@ Xena,you're spot on with having noticed that & no it's not just your,i fully agree with the mods deleting controversial/religious/political threads & posts...HOWEVER,if i may state a very recent example,i do have an issue when threads such as the one about a convicted paedophile orthodontist living here & practicing @ one of the well-known practices in the city gets conveniently deleted because of obvious personal pressure from whoever it may be...this is a community website & correct me if i'm wrong,but the above is a VERY important community issue,unless of course this community has no qualms about a convicted child molestor fixing their children's teeth...The thread & posts were up for about a week & then suddenly,the slowly getting infamous "oops..." QL message...if anyone's wondering,the person in question is currently being held by the authorities & is no longer @ the practice in question,although if one does ask for him,the story there is that he's on "emergency leave" a detention cell somewhere in this city,but of course,they won't tell you Xena,have you heard about this?...
DD you better look into your own backyard and see the issues that are there.
It is hilarious, how QL sanitizies itself. Like anything in this world nothing is permanent or could last for ever, one day, it will be sanitise down the bowl! Either you like it or not Mod's. that is a fact of life.
You’re so ignorant and place your so called beloved country back in the dark ages. When and if you travel abroad, I hope that the lovely people in that country don’t treat you with the same content…. I will let it rest at that…….
Is that the reason qatari and ahmad don't post here?
Maybe they are thinking who will monitor their posts :)
**** Aal Izz Well****
maybe partially attributed to the moderators assigned. I know this is not a full time "job" and they are not getting anything, still we can never put the blame on something we can not control. But this site is definitely controllable. We just need more responsible moderators. I said more because the present set maybe not enough anymore with the volume of posts being unleashed on this forum. And if the moderators are part of the posters, "who police the police?"
"I'm back, simple as that"
Drovers dog, it isn't just the people that are on this site anymore. This is a public forum that IS being monitored, whether you accept it or not. Yes, I will not accept anyone bashing my country and sit back and clap at the end of the show.
blablubliblrrr, these idiots are abusing the privilege that they have in my country. So, yes I have nothing better to do. Qatarliving is how I socialize. I'm a boring person with no life in the real world.
But again, the initial thread poster got her share and it is over, I hope - for her sake.
When hijackers rule the roost, this is what happens
Ofcourse it is my original id ;)
**** Aal Izz Well****
yes FU and thats what we want isn't it? A more mature website;-P
Its evolving into a more matured website. thats good news coz when I joined QL,I noticed it as one 'small' unstructured site. More like college friends venture. It's not the same anymore.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
Lolzzz Whyteknight.....thats a good one :D
----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain
Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again
Don't flag the thread else someone will start a thread why are the threads about threads disappearing disappearing ;)
**** Aal Izz Well****
what you wish for.
Looks like I will have to flag my own thread now....
I read that some people dressed up as Bin Laden mask and banged on windows is not fun to me. She stated what she seen, it was not second hand. That’s the problem with some people on this site. They want it all their way or "hit the highway".
I would hate to flag you for your comments of …Be nice, and keep your negative opinions to yourself. If not, someone will shut you up. Should I hit the big tab as Flag as offensive small minded people you find in all site.. it just puts shame on the good uses of QL
Do you think i care a lot?
Pray, Before prayers are said for you..
Consider yourself flagged
I accept the fact that I am boor to few dolts like you.But Pitstop?You must be kidding,I know..Never knew you are the one who is closing the topics.
Pray, Before prayers are said for you..
I hope most people on QL are not as rude as you Pitstop and blablubliblrrr. i have finished with this thread i have proved my point when i said ....It shows the typical mentality of certain individuals in positions of power..topic closed
Ok ok here are the threads that I took. I don't know about any other one that may have disappeared.
**** Aal Izz Well****
Don't you really have any better things to do in life rather replying to these idiots?
Pray, Before prayers are said for you..
Drovers dog, whether you support her and their threads, it doesn't matter anymore. She got her share, and trust me - the hatred built up against her isn't pleasant at all. I'm sure no one would want to be put in that situation, ever.
Be nice, and keep your negative opinions to yourself. If not, someone will shut you up.
referring to on FB (thanks for the welcome,Oryx) wow... i did miss alot... What has happened to PM? It would seem whatever she said ended up causing Qatari/Ahmed major problems....
I did chuckle at the part on FB where they told Da that he must go away with "shalom" at the end of the edit....
better be flag than dissapear permanently... :))
You won't fully enjoy a swing unless you raise your feet from the ground......
anyway thats much better than people forced to disappear(not literally) because of their comments
was just wondering also what will be the basis of the mods to delete a thread??? what if someone is just pissed off with one member and created a new account so just to flag that person as offensive... can a new member do that???
morning everyone!!!
You won't fully enjoy a swing unless you raise your feet from the ground......
I don't know whether it's still going on or not but I got it in December end with someone requesting me to sign it. Funny thing was some of the users on QL who were supporting QL here and were moaning about how it has got boring after the self-censorship were among the signatories lol..
The article in Peninsula after PM's thread reporting the news as if people use this site only to slander Qatar and Qataris would not have helped either.
**** Aal Izz Well****
Yep - there was a ban QL group on FB
I tried writing politely but they just weren't interested... I gave up
Welcome back Xena
Is there an Anti Qatarliving group / petition going on presently on facebook?
That would mean QL has reached new
People have started fearing QL's clout and have started organizing petition against it. ...It could work both ways.
But if QL has to survive the has to tread carefully.
It shows the typical mentality of certain individuals in positions of power..
Missed the good old QL like the old wild west gun play where expression comes from your heart, like when you think donkey, then you write donkey. This time around, its trading a donkey for a cute pussy cat. Not honest right.
The Mods and owners have gotten more catious after the whole Anti Qatarliving group and petition on facebook. I don't think they want this site to get banned altogether in Qatar or to lose control of the site. Either way better to be safe than sorry from their perspective.
**** Aal Izz Well****
the trolls? The religious posts?
Or the QL before that... the one where everyone seemed to get on well and took time out to help others?
Be careful whatcha wish for:-)
Good to see some of the old posters here still... was beginning to think everyone had gone AWOL:-)
Message from the QL Animal Section Editor:
Your post has been deemed ignorant.
You have been tracked.
Ready... Aim....
Congratulations... you have been Eliminated!
watch out Xena..someone might actually flag your thread as offensive ;)
Although i do appreciate the Mods decision to have more control over some controversial posts. It's really becoming ridiculous the amount of self-censoring applied.
Among other local public forums, for the past few years QL have maintained to be the most liberal With a reasonable space of freedom of expression.
Please, bring back the old QL :(
really, couldn't wait to get back... Strange how I feel more at home here than I do in my home country:-)
I noticed the new "flagging" system... Good idea, just cannot help wondering if it won't be used by some to "delete" their "enemy".
Ah, ok Bunnyhug... I see:-)
Message from the QL Animal Section Editor:
Your post has been deemed ignorant.
You have been tracked.
Ready... Aim....
Congratulations... you have been Eliminated!
Seriously, what is with people. Get a life and stop referring back to old subjects that can cause more problems. And Xena, welcome back, you haven't missed much.
As for the missing threads, Ya, as you can see - there are new 'Flag as offensive' links that can bring the MODS attention to what is happening in detail. This way, we help the MODS see what they could be missing. Then the MODS decide whether they want to delete the thread or keep it.
Enjoy QL :)
There are secrets in QL??
~~Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy~~
you ain't suppose to reveal secrets..:(
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.
The only posts I've noticed disappearing were idiotic anyway.
And Khanan, I thought you were making posts disappear :D
~~Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy~~
i found the controversial post from al khaliji executive missing... wile the forum was still there, which i expected thst it wud b removed, the post by al khaliji exctve was missin!!!
i am new to posting here, but i see something maybe month or two ago about a poster (I think it was PM?) said something out of order about national day. it was in the newspapers and put QL in bad news. o i just thinking they now play safe. ban first, ask questions later.
Sorry I have been away for a month... don't know anything about that...
Message from the QL Animal Section Editor:
Your post has been deemed ignorant.
You have been tracked.
Ready... Aim....
Congratulations... you have been Eliminated!
I think its getting more neutral now...deleting threads & comments from both school of thoughts.
----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain
Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again
with the PM post. It seeming that QL very nervous and play the safe side. better to delet and keep the authorities happy.
apart from threads, some posts also disappears quickly...
To much control on the threads will lead QL to a chat forum which it is already becoming.....
Have Courage To Live.
Anyone Can Die.