Does anyone know where I can buy good baby shoes?

My 9 month old son has been properly walking for over a month now, at home (UK) I would go to Clarks to buy a pair of first shoes for him as I did for my older son. I need to buy proper shoes not booties or pre-walkers and I wondered if anyone knew a good place or alternative to get some first shoes? Mothercare only really do pre-walkers which is not what I need as he is walking but I'm not too sure where to try? any help please would be appreciated! thanks.
You could find Baby Shoes in Shoemart and also at Marks and Spencers,BHS and Debenhams
So r u still in UK??? If yes, u will get variety of shoe shops for kids in UK compapred to outlets which r in DOHA..
hi good morning
if you get shoes reply me also
thank you