sick freind currently confined at Hamad
My filipino friend is very sick and is currently confined at Hamad hospital, diagnosed with end state kindly problem. Hopefully, he will be able to retunr to Philippines mid of this month, however, as he no longer work and had used up all his saving, we would like to seek assistance of any organization/association who may want to help.
if you know any organization/association who can assist, kinldy provide thorugh email, the contact deatails (xylemkirk/-a-t-/ in order for us to explain further the situation of my friend.
any assistance will be of great help. manythanks
why? he doesn't have a health card? If no, there is an office at the ground floor who can assist him on his payment for him to be able to cope up with his expenses while he is in the hospital.
I am reposting our request for any assistance anyone can give on behalf of my fried who till today is confined in Hamad Hospital.
I kinldy request financial assistance and we thank you in advance.
for those who expressed their intention to help, please do not delay. he badly needed money to pay for tests and medications.
thank you for the generosity and may your returns be thousand fold.