A spam Pvt Messg

By the-birdie •
I wish to attach the screenshot of the spam pvt message i received today.
I am sure so many others must have receivd the same message, without any change in the message matter
It is brought to the attention of Moderator to take appropriate action.
received a total of 9 pm's from alina.
Had reported the same just report n Alina baby will b banned;)
simply ignor it...
just this morning...
IP addresses of those innocent senders, who wish to meet Ms JENNY alive .... LOL
I received 3 today.
haha..yea..i too got it tday!
They are sending this mail to everyone now and then with different names. I think its better to just ignore.
i got it 2weeks back.
"Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man" - Muhammad Ali Jinnah
every month, i receive this PM... just ignore better.
I started a thread on this but Mods made the thread disappear.
**** Aal Izz Well****