Do it yourself laundromat?

OK!!! So, are there any 'do it yourself laundromats?' I have 4 children and of course, our water system has been not working properly since it rained and now NONE of our laundry gets very clean! You all know the kind right? You put the laundry in the machine, put the coins in and sit and wait while your clothes wash? No, I don't have a gazillion housemaids, nannies or servants to help me, so plz refrain from this answer, not all of us here have money to throw after us in a trail as we walk on by...
Wow, was my post really that contriversial? I was simply asking about a laundromat so that I can go do my own laundry, which I do everyday and have since I was 12 years old!!! Subon Allah, sometimes I wonder if ppl on here are just looking to go on the attack any chance they can get! And no, I dont have a 'laundry schedule' anymore. I used to before I had 4 more children, but now with a one year old and going on up the line in age, it is a daily chore since I cloth diaper and children are children. I was not implying that I needed a nanny or servant to do my laundry, I have two hands and am quite capable of doing it myself, Alhamdullilah. The poor man is not the with without money, the poor man is the one whom cannot do for himself (of course only by the WIll of Allah).
You don't need servants or nannies to do your laundry for you. Set your self a schedule for laundry. It's something else if you have a broken washer/dryer!
To answer Cherukkan, It's not an issue of a countries development. Many people in U.S, U.K, Canada, and other countries own washera/dryers and do their own laundry at home ! And in other nations who can't afford those do their washing by their own hands!
There will be lots of differences between developed, developing and under developed coutries. You should not expect the same thing in other countries what you are getting in United States.
I've not seen them here, but you could try the normal laundry, which you will find all over the place, depending on where you live at.