QAWS :: Temporary shelter open!

Well the temporary dog facility at the QAWS site is up and running and within days we were full. With over 45 dogs and puppies at QAWS and another 15 still in foster care, we're desperate for volunteers that can come and walk the dogs, bath and groom them and help socialise the puppies. There are also 10 QAWS cats staying at Paws & Claws who would love some more attention!!
The temporary facility consists of outside runs with concrete floors and wooden dog houses for them to go into. Because they are now outside, some of them are a little scruffier then usual and need some pampering with a bath and a brush!
As we lost everything in the fire, we're still trying to build up our equipment and need the following:
- Adult Dog & Puppy Biscuit (Pedigree or Purina)
- Adult Dog & Puppy Cans (Pedigree)
- Adult Cat & Kitten Biscuit (All brands)
- Adult Cat & Kitten Cans (NOT Snappy Tom)
- Towels and blankets
- Toys, Collars & Leads
- Metal Dog Bowls
Although we are rehoming more animals then ever, we are taking in more then we are rehoming. Just 2 days ago somebody left 9 puppies (approx. 3 weeks old) in a cardboard box in our carpark where they were found in the morning by staff. The same day one of our newest residents had a litter of 7 puppies which means that someone had abandoned a heavily pregnant dog but she was so thin that we hadn't realised she was pregnant when we collected her. That makes 16 new dogs in just a few hours!!
QAWS is down to just one full-time cleaner/dog-walker and with so many dogs, we need some volunteers to spend a little extra time with each animal. All the dogs are still walked twice a day and new volunteers need to come down to the farm one afternoon when we are there so they can be shown the ropes.
We're hoping to have a cat facility open before the end of the month and we need to have an air conditioned facility for the dogs open before the summer. Fingers crossed this will all be achieved!
QAWS is open 6 days a week between 3.30pm and 5.30pm for adoptions. Please note that we are closed to the public on Wednesdays but regular volunteers will have access to walk the dogs.
I wouldn't worry about street cats getting germs from bins - they're quite used to eating rubbish.
Unfortunately the cats left behind in demolition areas are a big problem because people will have fed them so they won't leave the area to find a new home. They are never friendly enough to rehome but not wild enough to look after themselves. Contact Qatar Cat Coalition as they look after the street cats.
:: A pet is for life and not just for Christmas ::
i will try to do as u said bt i feel pitty on them so me n my sis start giving food daily..
i think where they will go for the food,too many cars,fear of accidents,may b they will lost the way back,some of them kittens,some of them mothers...all these thing sorround my mind
putting on the top of the bin??na dnt think its good for them,all germs,diseases..
thanks for the advices
by the way Mushairib street n the area sorrounded by is in demolishing phase n i have seen many cats n kittens there playing plz plz can u or any1 take those cats n kittens out from there to some safe n good place
where they will go after the demolishen??
i m really worried bout them
Ya Allah Azzawajal give us all a kind Heart
“Do not laugh too much, for excessive laughter deadens the heart.”
“Follow up a bad deed with a good deed, to cancel it out.”
Snappy Tom is perfectly safe for cats or they wouldn't be allowed to sell it! It's just a very fishy kind of cat food and not all cats will eat it.
Any cat that eats too much wet food will have loose stools which is why cats should be fed dry biscuit all the time and just get one or two small meat meals a day. Stray cats seem to be able to eat anything so your meat mixture will be fine for them.
Please try to avoid getting the stray cats in your area dependent on you. If you feed them everyday and they know it is you feeding them they will stop looking for their own food. If you then move house they will not be able to feed themselves anymore which can be a huge problem. It can be a problem if the new family that live there dont like cats!!
The best way to feed stray cats is to feed them every 2 or 3 days next to a bin in your area. By changing the times that you feed them (morning one day, 2 days later in the evening etc) they will not get into a routine. You can also leave left overs from your meals in the top of the bin so they can find it easily but again they dont associate the food with you.
:: A pet is for life and not just for Christmas ::
want to know if snappy tom is safe for the cats n kittens as well
dnt they get loose stools if eating a huge quantity of that?
wht i do is bring frozen chikens, frozen mince meat,chiken franks etc, boil n mix with rice then give to cats
atleast stray cats love them to eat :)
“Do not laugh too much, for excessive laughter deadens the heart.”
“Follow up a bad deed with a good deed, to cancel it out.”
I've only been able to give it to the strays in my neighbourhood. The adults won't touch it but the kittens do.
I know it sounds ungrateful coming from an un-funded rescue shelter but we could probably build a new facility just out of cans of uneaten snappy tom!! Even our outside farm cats that chase the mice won't touch it!
:: A pet is for life and not just for Christmas ::
LOL @ the no Snappy Tom. Even my cat that eats bread and drinks grapefruit juice turns her nose at Snappy Tom. I'll try and drop buy some food this weekend. :)
praying u will get a concerete shelter,a big 1 a good 1 sooooooonn
best of luck
“Do not laugh too much, for excessive laughter deadens the heart.”
“Follow up a bad deed with a good deed, to cancel it out.”
This is just a temporary shelter as the dogs won't be able to live in it during the summer because they need air conditioning. We can't have a concrete shelter because we don't own the land and we don't want another wooden building after the fire.
Banning dogs being brough into the country won't stop stray dogs but it will annoy everyone that brings their pets with them from other countries. The stray dogs is because some people don't have their dogs neutered and let them wander around the streets or abandon them. I honestly don't think there are any more now then there were 5 years ago - we've always had more dogs then kennels. We're busier then normal because more people know about us now.
:: A pet is for life and not just for Christmas ::
indeed u guys r doing a hard work
i wonder why the percentage of cats n dogs r increasing here day by day?specially dogs.why people dnt make them spayed like cats?
b4 2-3 years hardly any1 hear bout shooting dogs,chasing,injuring dogs,etc,bt now....
too many stray dogs.i suggest govt should put a ban on selling n bringing them frm outside
i think Qataris n Europeoans r bringing more n more dogs to this country and
its a shame they later for some reason dump them out to Die.
i wnt to know why u built a steel shelter it will get much hotter in summer then a wooden or cement shelter.
i wish u best of luck
“Do not laugh too much, for excessive laughter deadens the heart.”
“Follow up a bad deed with a good deed, to cancel it out.”