love sky

what do u think about love sky ? pick one or describe in ur words.....
1:More then what i want i didn't think in any day..
2:That i will fine someone like u,someone have ur personalitiy..
3:You r a great angle.I hope my simple words can discribe U...
4:I didn't think i will find some1 like u some1 know what does love means...
5:You teach me that ''love'' is an great feelings...
6:And love is not just a word that we can say to each other...
7:Love is all the thing,love is like the ''bird''its really need to fly...
8:Love is the stronger weapon to kill lonely.
9:You teach me....what does love means.....
ahan sahi
none of those lines
"The unheard things are sweeter than the heard ones"
went past that cloud and im on cloud number 10
i only know tata sky
Cloud number 9, mjamille.
"love sky" (???) never heard of.. :P
really ;)
oh really....:)
You're really bored you come out with some total bs... get over the "love" factor... its only "lust" now days... :-P