know any PanCake shop like iHOPS ?

By maggi_qatar •
Hey All.... I wanna have a nice PanCake with ice cream.. but dont know whr to go... i need a shop which is only for Pancakes something lik iHOPs in US...
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wife prepares at home for kids :)
Hershleys choc syrup...
There is pancake mix and syrup at Carrefour.
buddget pancake at dairy queen
or if u like, try elle france,, near ramada or in city center
Haagen-Dazs Restaurant. I only know the one at Villagio Mall but I am sure there are others. Anyhow they serve a pretty mean waffle with ice-cream on it. I mean it's pricey but it is good.
unfortunately no Ihop in here ...
no Pancakes nor waffles :(
Hey Maggie,
Check the website
U will get lot of help there and don't forget to thank me later. :)
Cafe's....or Crepe Away at Salwa road...
Happy Eating!
I miss Ihop and my breakfast at Danny's =(
Too bad no such thing in Qatar
No iHOPE IN Qatar and haven't seen anything close to it can go to frozen food section in the supermarkets and buy a frozen pancake.