Wires laid on the Road

Anybody know why the two wire laid & fixed on the top of road ?
Is it for counting the veh. which passes through or ???
I have noticed it in front of Dasman Centre & also after crossing the Toyota Signal (Airport Road) !!
There is a small equipment box fixed with the other end of the wires.
What's the purpose behind it?
As far as I know it's to count vehicle axles - it can't be used to monitor speed because it cannot record whether it's a 2 axle vehicle or more.
Hopefully it means that the RTA will use the data to upgrade current roads and provide more alternate routes - but I'm not holding my breathe as D-ring has come to a dead halt with no prospects of reopening in the near future - come on, resolve that contract dispute!!
They are called Pneumatic road tubes that uses pressure changes to record the number of axle movements in a counter placed on the side of the road.
Thanks for the comments guys.but still we need more clrarefcation
Thanks for the comments guys.but still we need more clrarefcation
They are ATC.. Automatic Traffic Counters
Thanks every one for letting us know...that what are these wires for.
Thanks for the comments guys..
In regards to Traffic fines, I think this the highest fine tariff in the region..!
I think in Europe or US also never gone up like this..!!
what u guys think??
it is simply a preparation for the new traffic monitoring scheme by the government that the only intention was to detect those motorists who only obey traffic speed near the camera. its is also the main reason as to why they increase the voilation fines since the new traffis management system are quite expensive.
For those who love to race on the road just be prepared!
Those are not wires gentlemen, they are high impact polymer tubes use by many traffic monitoring agencies to detect the amount of vehicles passing by in one direction. It works on pressure and vacuum.
If there's 1 wire it usually means it is counting the number of vehicles. If there's 2 wires it usually means it is measuring speed of vehicles - usually you will see a permanent fixed speed camera in the same location a few weeks later!
I have heard of them using it to count the nbr. of vehicles that pass through that road in other countries, but idk what they're used here for...???