LOL...look at what I got today!

Got this in my email today morning.I can't believe people still send me stuff like this.I thought it would be best to share this with the men on QL....maybe it'll be of some help.....? :-P LOL
Lovable things to tell your girlfriend
It's no secret: any girl loves to be complimented. Girls and emotional sensitivity goes hand in hand and girls are more intellectually inclined than guys when it comes to speaking from the heart and using words.
Girls are easily overwhelmed whenever any part of their prized attributes attract a compliment or when some heart felt reaction is caused by their sex appeal. Girls are biologically programmed to crave attention so offering compliments works every time.
The comments below are aimed at offering romantic gestures to your girlfriend, however, we like to think it's also an offer of poetry, philosophic and fun things you can say to your girlfriend to get a reaction of sorts...
1. You look so hot, I'm starting to melt
2. Without you in my life I feel incomplete
3. Your lips taste like sugar
4. When we are apart, people often tell me I seem to smile for no reason, it's because I'm thinking of you
5. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to remind myself that you are real
6. I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be than when you hug me
7. I get lost in another world when you stare at me
8. Your smile can turn my whole day around
9. Two eyes are not enough to capture your whole beauty
10. I never thought my girlfriend could be my best friend too
11. Without you, there is no me
12. When I go to bed each night, all I look forward to is being with you
13. There are only 3 words that matter to me..."I love you"
14. You have the cutest little cheeks, they look like little cherries
15. I've waited all these years to be with you, it was worth the wait
16. When we are not together, every second that goes by seems like an eternity
17. You are the instrument that keeps my heart beating
18. When you're gone, 50% of me is empty, but when you're in my arms, I am 110% complete
19. You're like an angel from above
20. God must have made you on a Sunday
Your girlfriend will simply adore you for offering such heart felt compliments. These gestures are from deep within and pull at the very heart strings of what makes a young girl go weak at the knees.
And if these heart felt affirmations of love see's you one day marry this girl, you will both have fond lasting memories of how powerful young love can be. A young person who is in love knows no boundaries in their pursuit to be with their beloved.
All the best!
Ahem...well I must admit that some of the sweet nothings mentioned are indeed heart-warming and is more than enough to get any girl purring.... ;-) he he!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
i sent flowers to my wife at her work on her birthday, it was great, she told me there was a gathering at her office to see the lovely flowers with a big PE foam board written on it with tiny grass" HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
try it guys, you'll get yourself a great dinner and desired dessert :D
no one knitting...
i guess i need to start a new thread on that...
we hold up red cards coz we don't want y'all to confuse b/w being romantic and flirting....give these guys a wee bit of space and we'll get to see the story of the camel and the traveller happening live!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
from the looks of it,i think i'm going to be anything but that after i die :-D LOL
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
boys are all romantic over here on QL... but girls are holding the red card to alert they are married... no offends just a joke
anthoworx.. techinially one can only be an angel when one
Derek Edward Trotter
oops!double post
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
c'mon boys!bring out the romantic sides of y'all....why are y'all being so serious,for Pete's sake?and phoenix2009,we all sure could do with a few of ur "ideas" ;-) he he!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
just confused by the second mans words.. how come first man is lucky to see your wife is alive... or did you mean the second man said.. you are lucky to the first person and... paused... then said his wife is still alive to call her an angel..
just kidding.. thought to grow the thread..
First man: My wife is an Angel.
Second man: Your lucky mine is still alive.
Derek Edward Trotter
am not offended or got teased by any of ur words, i take things a bit more sportingly then it has to be.. nice to see interesting people like you around.. do buzz me may be for some debates or discussion on a cup of coffee or couple of liquor shots...
Formatted Soul... a old saying.. a preacher is never a follower.. does that ring a bell to you, or make it simple... a coin has two sides.. one shown one unknown...
Antho..what a nice thought dude!!
antho, you also got me wrong, i should have added :) this to my post, i was just teasing you, have a good life :)
i guess you got my avtar wrong.. and your feeling too.
i am married, and i mean what i say.. i sleep only with the best. and i guess that does not offend anyones feeling.. as to married or single... for every man his wife is best and the vice-versa...
svelte, you're free to share, don't listen to antho,
i had a great night then if you're wondering, and i have also hundreds of romantic ideas many of them i already did to my girl then wife now, and i'm still doing a lot of them.
antho, i can feel you're single and still insisting on "sleeping with the best"??? you should change your avatar for lower expectations
the idea and the imagination of phoenix was indeed well.. but i think you should wait b4 you share the story to your hubby... till you gotta know about the great night or dark night...
wow!!!!that must've been sooooooooooooooooooo romantic,dude! :-D loved it!will share ur little story with my hubby...hope he learns something about being romantic....LOL :-P
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
i wanted to say for the first time "I love you" to my girl before we got engaged, i took her as usual in my car and i took some rose petals and placed them behind the sun visor on the passenger side. i took also a post-it-note and wrote, "I Love You" on it and stuck it to the back of the sun visor.
As i was driving to our favourite romantic hill that overlooks whole beirut city, i told her that she had a mark on her cheek. As she pulled down the sun visor to use the mirror she was showered in rose petals, amazed a little, then saw my note and wooooooooooowwwwwwww
MAn did i have a great night then?? :D
i'll take note of that P.S.....i'm more of the dying kind,y'see
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
with respect to you and your married life... my post was with no intention.. i take life sportingly and my comments too just go on the way... with no intentions to offend...
P.S. Being a female, or married female doesn't give license to kill or die.
he he!maybe not....well i just shared this coz i found it ironic that i should be sent this despite the fact that i am a female myself and that i am married was really of no use to me.thought i might as well share it with ppl who may find the points helpful ;-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
already ql is knitted with lots of thread... a new thread and that too about the above mentioned... i guess wont be digestive...
he he!i think u should start a thread on those lines,boss! ;-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
hey svelte...
along with so many and many more at-least you should also added the one and only lovable line a guy would like to hear from his girlfriend..
1. No one at home except me, why don't you come home.
love the 8th one...
it really makes wonders sometimes
^_^ sticks and stones...
ayhhh my english...
buy my kitesuring gear:
this entire thing is way too complicated for i've just stopped thinking about it.i do appreciate it when i'm being flattered but i make it a point not to let it go to my head.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
no, not a particular one girl... i just get frustrated with people's unwillingness to seek out quality. Not just in guys, it could be a girl accepting a guy's lazy advances he read off the internet, peoples accepance of music soely becuae it is what is most easily accessable via radio, food, art, movies... whatever. It's just dissapointing to the ones that don't know any better get thier hearts smased but some guy that tried the same line on 10 diff women b4 she gave him the time of day. know what I mean?
LOL....u saw thru that,eh?it was quite obvious anyway ;-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Any woman that falls for this cheap crap deserves the shallow unoriginal slimeball that is spitting it at her!
he he!well said,babe! :-) yup,my B'day just got over last monday :-) thanks for the wishes :-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
yeah he can start with the safest statement, maybe number 8.
"8. Your smile can turn my whole day around"
then watch out, for either a lip smack, or a small whack. lol :)
btw, you being saggi, i must say, belated, or advanced happy birthday :D
oh well,guess it's upto the guys to find out what HIS girl actually wants ;-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
i guess am a bit of a skeptic, saggi, when it comes to these things. well, some love chocolates and flowers, others like burgers and game tickets :)
but it wouldn't hurt to get one of these once in a while,would it?c'mon,om maui,we all love compliments,don't we? ;-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
it's too mushy to be real. if a guy talked to me this way, i'll run run run. sounds like a play-er.
nice interpretation svelte_saggi .. love it! :P
-=The desire to do what you shouldn'T is the very desire that defines Humanity=-
i think since Sunday is a holiday,the guy thinks that God must have put in a lot of time to make her and hence she came out nothing short of P-E-R-F-E-C-T! :-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
he he!but these are definitely worth a try,eh guys?tell you what.....don't release all of them in one go....then she'll think u're upto something u want to borrow money from her or something of that sort.take it easy and surprise her by telling her something like this once in a while.....and don't miss the surprised sparkle in her eyes when u tell her ;-) good luck!
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
plushed, a blessing?
...listen to the sound of silence....
im just wondering.. what does "20. God must have made you on a Sunday" means?
-=The desire to do what you shouldn'T is the very desire that defines Humanity=-
most of those listed above is coming out of my mouth naturally. the result is awesome.
More likely she will think that something is going on cause those phrases are just so super "cheeeeeezy" its unbeleivable......
boyzzzzzz ... r tooo much
why dont they send those kind of emails to those "bitter" halves /lol
might make the world a lovlier place to live in lol
...listen to the sound of silence....
marie_2....LOL now we know what was missing,eh?hope our "bitter" halves understood too ;-)
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
somehow this is helpful..lolz
how come, i dont get 1 of these :)
...listen to the sound of silence....