Hanging pictures help
Does anyone know of a good way to hang pictures without having to drill a hole into concrete or tile? I'm used to drywall which is rather easy to fill holes if you change your mind. Im afraid of causing cracks in the wall if I try to do it myself. We found a really nice apartment but are stuck with a gaudy bathroom that is tiled from top to bottom that I probably cant paint and would eventually like to put some kind of artwork up so I don't have to keep staring at the bare 80's marbled walls. Are there any safe ways to hang larger pictures without a hole? Sorry if it seems like a silly question but I just dont know what Im doing when it comes to concrete walls.
I'll definitely take consideration for your ideas. The tiles in the bathroom arent real marble, you can tell the tiles are all exactly the same. Thank everyone for the help!
If it is tiles that are the problem, in the UK you can buy self adhesive tiles (they are thin, like labels) to cover them up. We did that on a whole bathroom for my mother in law because she didn't like the colour and it is very successful
As i understand, you want to cover (hide) a large part of the wall. That means enough weight that the taped hook won't be able to support. How about a wall paper or a decorated shower curtain that you can stick against the wall? think out of the box for this one :)
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
Baldrick's advice is the best, after ruining most of the walls in our house trying to nail/drill holes, I discovered those little white things. They don't look much but they work everytime and don't crack the walls.
use double sided tape. It will come off eventually. And drilling depends on the weight you want to hang. If it's light stuff i would use the plastic hooks with the small nails in them. You can usually place it in such a way that the nails are in the grout. Heavy stuff I would drill a hole or use a 1" masonry nail. The nail might work if the joint is wide enough.
It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt
buy a hook that uses double sided tape. :D
For concrete walls I use plastic hooks with hardened nails in them.
they look like this: http://www.allproducts.com/metal/ucando/08-hardwall_hangers.html and you can get them from Carrefour, Dasman, etc.
For marble you are going to have to drill, but always drill at the joints as you will avoid cracking and the holes are less obvious when you leave.