Recycling Places in Doha

By copenhagen09 •
Hello to all!
To get rid of my collected old bottles, paper, glasses and so on i ask you - Where can I find some recycling places in Doha?
I know this sphere is not very advanced in that state.
Please tell me exact locations, with things I can bring to and if necessary the business hours!
p.s. Please no discussion about the usefulness of recycling. I want to do it anyway!!!
Hello! Everyone We are from Al-Suwaidi Recycling Company! If you want to throw away old books, magazines, news paper, papers, cardboard boxes or any forms or paper just give us a call we will collect it at 44604198 or email us at [email protected] Thank you and Have a nice day!
Hi Guys,
The only municipality in Qatar which does recycling is the Al Khor city. They recycle most of the common items. As a public action we can, that is those of us who are interested and given the Greenhouse gas pollution resulting from car use, take the bin filled with recyclables to Al Khor and get Gulf Times, Peninsula and Tribune to report it to raise awareness. Hopefully the various ministries will find a way to work together so that Recycling can happen in Doha. However, the first preference would be to buy to reduce disposables by recylcing or landfilling. I do not have to say that to you eco sensitive bunch.
Kind regards
Happy 2010 to u too mate,
my name has changed in the meantime to a disaster of the human beings...
Anyway I am a little bit consoled that it seems like there are peoples in this town who care about the enviroment!
I already looked for two of those places but coudn't find the bins. But new investigations will start when I'm back from hollyday.
In the meantime I'm enjoing the good working recycling system here in Austria to safe our natural recourses! :-)
I wish all people who care about our mother earth a happy new year!!!
Anitha Venkat
Hi All ,
Back in Chennai there used be small shops called "waste paper marts" where they collect old newspapers, glass, plastic wat ever u can recycle . they weigh it and pay small incentive.. i m new to doha .. not sure if they realy segregate the waste which i dump in the basket next to my home.. but i try my best to put only recyclable waste into it.. i put all vegetable waste in the small garden in my villa...
its high time we save this earth.. no matter whether we are in home or anywhere...
copenhagen09, you can contact Doha Plastic for plastic recycling, and Al Thaleb Paper for paper recycling.
both are in industrial area.
if you're feeling lucky, you can get money from that.
hope this would help.
They could also add an incentive to it. In Canada, we pay a deposit on drink cans and bottles. When you return them to the recycling centre, you get it back.
It's a big incentive for others to pick up such items as well. I know you often see fellows taking the small fruit/veg wood crates and cardboard from trash receptacles in order to raise some cash.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Un Madeeha, awareness is done by the Friends of the Environment Association (or whatever they are called). They got the bins made and they distributed them, but they never pick them up, or do they have a drop off location for all the things collected. We have no recycling plants in Qatar - that I know of - except for the tins and the plastic, but those even don't advertise their locations.
Maybe if a group were interested in doing a check on what is available, and we can then initiate a campaign for this purpose.
I hope it works out though.
There are recycling bins for plastic and paper in education city too. But park is better idea as there are bins for aluminium and glass as well. I think there should be a recycling awareness campaign on QL.
No actual recycling done. They made the bins, distributed them. Then -- the End :)
you already helped me very much! I will try to find one of this places tomorrow.
But - other answers are still welcome!
p.s.: what a pit that few people couldn't read my question...
i have seen Green colored big metallic boxes, at entrance of all ALMERA supermarket. dump into it
collection is not a problem
thats right + we also have got recycle thing is Dahal al hamam park wch is close to landmark mall
Al Bidda park has recycling bins for paper, plastic and glass. The recycling bins are located towards the back of the park, on the opposite side of the Corniche. Hope that helps!
recycling is expensive
recycling is useless, it hurts the environment.
try to contact Q Clean