Salary :- is it enough?

By Black Jack •
Hi Friends
This is regarding the job offer; I would really appreciate if you can guide me.
Please let me know if below salary and allowances are enough to have a decent life style and savings as well.
Basic 11000
Transport allowance 2000
Location allowance 1154
Commuting allowance 1600
Total 15754 QR
Housing provided by company.
Int free car and furniture loan from company.
Life & Accident Insurance Scheme by company.
how much will i be able to save.
Would really appreciate If you can let me know, I have to give a reply to my company there , if I am joining or not…
Best Regards
Thank you and Best wishes
**Dont get discourage when things go beyond your imagination because the greatest glory in life is not falling but rising everytime you fall. Life is what you make it**
if you have tension ? no problem use
Its never enough.
very good
you deserves better than this then DON'T ACCEPT....
Look for another company that will give you more than this and will satisfy you or will be enough to your lifestyles....
"We cannot change the past, we only learnt from it"
Very good offer go ahead
BJ, as far as I know:
- 75 K should buy you a brand new corolla (at least the basic version). A 2009 Lexus (basic sedan) will cost probably twice that. You can check the car classified in this site and
Of course you should factor the loan payment to your car. A 48 month payment of 75K will set you off almost 2 K a month (inc. services and operational cost). Also factor in some ready fund to pay traffic fines....
- Coffee shop and dining out will cost you say 200 riyals per person per visit. How much extra for Alcohol and/or 'companionship' ;-) you'll have to ask others..... hey, I'm here with my family....
- Yes air tickets will be taken care by the family. But I'd suppose that you will have to pay your own for sundries etc.
Hope it helps
- Medium level shopping, may be 1000-2000 (depend on what you call medium level).
Yes i am single but shall be married in another year or so....
Accomodation is taken care by company if i get married worries for that..
- i plan to buy a car prfbly new say 2009 lexus or carolla (my company shall provide 75K loan interest free so is that enough and what shall be the monthly EMI..for this?)
-Also let us say i buy an old much diff will it make in my expenses...?and is it advisable to buy a old car there?
- Yes i plan to cook but , say i will eat once a week or twice outside.Pizza hut and intercon hotel.
- Entertainment is Cinema and Coffee shop some times...or may be site seeing...and is there any thing else available in Qatar to kill some time during weekends?
- i m not that a shopping freek! but ya midium level u can say!
- Vacation and air-tics are by company so we need not worry for that :-)
-u can add extra Alcohol in my ;-)
Owww U Guys are confusing me now....
Some say 10k is more than enough and some say 20 K is enough....
I dont get it!
Why such a deviation...?i agree we have different lifestyles..but no king with 3 wifes and gold utensils for food! :-)(Pun intended)
I am a simple guy who is single,and party say twice a month and thts it...i am no Gucci or BOSS fan!..Levis is fine for me ...lols
So i think guys with above life style, car ,mobile internet and twice party in a month ,15k shud sustain me with saving of minimum 11 or 10 K
What say guys??????
Help me.......sob sob... :-P
savings will be entirely up to your spending. since your accommodation and transpo are taken cared off already with that amount then you will leave a good life here already.
good luck to you. see yah around...
You can live in a decent life style even with salary less than they offered. if your question is about DECENT LIFE STYLE, QR1000 is enough.
Just use brain, do you know that most of the ppl here are getting very less salary. and here you are, you need to ask if 11000 will be ok. Dont believe to those who are saying that it is not enough.
Dont go for it. It will ruin your life for 2 years if you signed the contract. Look for a better job bro. Dont take anything below 20000Qrs. Qatar is going to be a place for riches from next year onwards. It will be difficult to survive for a normal bread earner. Qatar is going to be Paris of Middle East.
Dear All,
Thanks for all the help.Really appreciate your help.
Take care
thank you for the tips..
...but always end up resigning early and only finish their contract and does not wish to extend it. They will always 'treat' you with that limited job offer amount of basic salary. It's the sponsor/HR's 'cheap labor' business technique of getting their own manpower around here. :-(
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
hello hope you could help me on this one..i will be working on Power Generation, distribution and water distribution as a skilled staff... basic salary 2000QR, my employer give me free housing, transportation but the food is salary deduction its 6QR per day. so it is Almost 180QR per/month and it is 2 years contract... so probably it became 1820QR per month.... is it ok.. the basic salary they give me 2000QR is this fair??? i have a family in the Philippines...can i survive in Qatar and send a money to my family to this kind of salary... hoping for replies.. thanks. God Bless!!
Be warned. The overall salary doesn't sound realistic to the reality of the employees in Qatar.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
You can save 99% of your salary if you are willing to scrape it out.
Otherwise give what sort of expenses you are fancying.
Else just search the forum. There are lots of topics based on this....
How much will you save depend entirely on how much do you plan to spend every month.....
How much do you spend depend entirely on your lifestyles. Since you haven't mention what kind of lifestyle you plan to, no one can tell you how much you can save.
Assuming you are single, Let start with the basic:
- What kind of accommodation (bed sit, share house, apts, villas, compound ? what luxury level ?)
- Do you plan to take public transport or rent or buy a car (cash or bank loan?). What kind of cars: 1999 Corolla or 2009 Lexus ?
- What/where do you eat. Do you plan to cook your own food or eat out. If you plan to eat out occasionally, how often and at what level ? Briyani in small restaurant, Pizza Hut or Fish Market in InterCon hotel?
- Similarly, what do you plan for your entertainment? Hanging around friends in Corniche, Cinema or coffe shop in Ramada ?
- Where you plan to shop: Souq, Lulu or Hermes?
- How often do you plan to go home or vacation: every three months or every three years.
- For Family you must add schooling, tutorials, wife expenses etc.
- etc etc....
Then you can ask or research the specific points. For instance 'How much is the cost of a medium class 2 br apartment near the city' and so on.
Based on your description, this salary package is good.
Good Luck in Qatar
hey ur salary depends from which nationality u r, and what is ur educational background and ur experience also.
If you want to buy a car normal one,u can pay mothly around 1500 or 1800
ur mobile bill wont exceed 500,if u talk too much,
ur food depends on u what kind u eat and if u eat always out or u cook home,petrol for the car is so cheap u wont even spend 300 per month or 400
Hussam/Nom with 6 years of exp , i am getting grade 8.
i am from mechanical.
Is it justified?
what is monthly expenses?
it depends on ur way of living,some people i know they can save 10,000 atleast from this amount
hi noms..thanks for a prompt reply
i am having 6 years of Exp.i am from mechanical field.
Let me know how much i can save on this amnt
seeing that the amount mentioned is excluding housing..its a good package. however, i have no idea of ur qualification & experience therefore cant guess if u r capable of better than this.
anyways, this package is worth migrating. :)
all the best.
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein