how much is the salary for Accountant as of this year(2009)?

can anybody help?am an accountant with 7yrs exp. (including almost 3yrs exp in dubai),I came here as family visa,i have difficulty looking for a job here, since most of the offer are quite low..can you tell me how much are the usual package for an accountant here?my asking salary is 10k(including allowance) it fair enough?or is it too high or low?
-desperately need advice...tnx!
I am also working as an Accounts Manager ---- if u have 20 years of exp. but whenevery u will join new co. u have to ask around 7 to 8 k this what i find in Qatar maybe after join u will get more as per your work -----???? so go for 7 to 8 k ----- i join my co. for Qrs.14,000/- pm and now geting 20k+ --- so just try to get job in good co.
Yes, very true NOMS..I have seen this case in my ex-company where a person having exp.of 10-12yrs was getting only QR 7000..So what i think QR 10000 would be much enough to ask now...
With 7 years continous experience, you can get better than what you are asking for.
However, it still depends on Organization offering jobs. There are accountants with 15yrs experience working for less than 6k (all inclusive) in private sectors.