questions :)

Hello everyone :)
I'm on this series of interviews and tests for a job in Qatar, don't know if I'm gonna be there soon or never, but I do need answers to some questions to
help me decide if I should go or stay home! I'll be grateful if you guys could help me out :)
- Job pays something around 900 to 1000 euros, housing and transportation are provided by the employer. Is that ok to survive and save some money? I don't smoke, I don't drink, basically my money is gonna be spent on food + occasional shopping, a movie or just going out (nothing fancy though)!
- I practice judo and basketball, will I be able to do it in Qatar?
- I'm from Morocco, how do locals look at moroccans? I know that a lot of girls from morocco are prostitutes in the gulf countries, so am I gonna be called "son of moroccan bitch" evey once in a while?
- I'm a bassist, I'm in a band, and I really breathe music (Metal especially), how's the metal scene overthere? are there bands that I can join? are there musicians who I can jam with? Music stores with the latest Metal releases on shelves?
- How is the dating thing in Qatar? is it ok to have your friends from the opposite sex coming over to your place ? Any other thing you may wanna tell me about Man/Woman restrictions will be helpful !
- How is the internet ? is it free access to anything or are there restrictions?
- Is it always hot or do I have to bring my hoodies and jackets for some rain and cold?
- Can I buy from abroad on the internet? I mean using your credit card to buy a guitar from a webstore in Germany for example. No restrictions? (I can't do that in Morocco :) that's why I'm asking)
Thanx in advance for your help guys :)
No matter you are from Morocco or Qatar , I think if you work hard , your boss and your colleague will accept you.
I do not know how the exchange rate in your country , but if you do not wast money , you will get more.
It is good to know that you are fond of music , I like music very much ,too. I also have a guitar ,but I can not play it , if it is convenient , I hope you can teach me about it . As for the music , if the bands in Qatar really love the music , I think they will accpet you , as the music is the best voice in the world.
As I am not a Qatar , so I do not know the other things , but the main idea I want to tell you is that please make more confidence of yourselve.
Perhaps a little too late but I just couldnt resist to mention how pathetic some of your questions are. Will I be called son of a bitch? Please wald bladi ..grow up. Where is your pride?! I hope you will remember this shameful question and have so far witnessed the appreciation of our cultural heritage and name. It seems nowadays that everyone is proud to be Moroccan....except some Moroccans..go figure :/
Thank you guys, appreciate your help :)
If you want to access movie downloads etc, then it may be worth loading up a proxy server onto your laptop BEFORE going there! I dont know about Qatar (yet), but thats what I need to do in Dubai - even to access Skype.
Do it before you arrive as the sites are probably blocked locally ( etc.
so many questions.. i guess you are making your homework perfect b4 landing to qatar...
if you love adventures.. if you love to break the law.. if you are good to dodge then step in.. to know more
you dont drink alcoholol, you wont get it.. but if you want you will find it.. how and where is the adventure..
internet restricts a lot of sites.. but if you want you can crack the firewall.. how again will be an adventure..
dating is fun.. but to find the perfect date is hard.. but not impossible.. how you trick it.. thats again an adventure..
Wow, very helpful, thank you teepatter!
get someone paid to answer all your questions.
@DaRuDe :
Thanx for your answer man, appreciate it!
Girls in my place? maybe I'll be teaching french or guitar or self-defense :) you never know! Good to know about the police invitation, is it casual or suit and tie :p
Internet, a good X is always cool from time to time but I was asking about everything (music download, movie downloads, buying stuff...)
Thanx again :)
drink you dont smoke then why are you inviting opposite sex for at your home to make you coffee or to wash your laundry.No you cant because with that comes a free invitation from Police.
Internet yes anything +18 is blocked so stop dreaming about pornography freedom.
no i still havent heard of any Moroccan prosti here in Qatar so you will be fine.