Is this Salary enough..?

Hi Guys,
I am new to this forum, but i need some answers. I trust u guys will be of help.
I've been offered a job by one of the majors in Qatar and the salary is as follows:
(1) Basic = 17,000 QR
(2) Transport Allowance = 2,000 QR
(3) Location allowance = 1,154 QR
(4) Commuting Allowance = 1,600 QR
(5) Accomodation = To be provided by company
(6) Children's Education = To be provided by company
(7) Medicals = To be provided by company.
(8) Car loan = 75,000 QR of 5 x 1 month Basic
(9) Furnishing Grant = 55,000 QR
Employment as i was told is definite for 3 years, but renewable at the end of the three years.
Is this offer good..?. I am married with three kids.
Will appreciate your urgent response.
What is your Nationality? If you belongs to US/UK/Canada, basic salary is too low. if you are an asian, Go ahead.
Congrats! Its a good offer join immediately and thank the almighty for giving you such a good opportunity during this period of ongoing recession. Didn't you hear people yelling these days Recession Recession...all over!
Offered salary is ok, but I dont know about your qualification,experience and what post they offered.Any way this salary is ok for 5 year experienced senior position.
Ask it to your self, you are the one who knows best for your self..
What's the average annual bonus package? It should be at least 6x your salary base. Just pose this question. Also, it would be nice to add a 20% market-based adjustments. Some companies give this to US/ Canadian and British citizens. So, if you are one of them, I guess you should go for it. Hit the maximum!
It all depends on your style. If like to eat out and have your btl of good french wine. If you have pyments back home and Shop only brands it is tight.
if you are happy to get a deecent 2nd hand car and have a normal moderate style you should be able to put 5 k in the bank....
if the money is enough it is all relative how you deal with it.
In general the support allowances are good and should be sufficiant... enjoy Doha
All is well with salary....just let us know your JD and profile..with company name....take us as your associate.
Rush and grab this opportunity..
which company is offering you this package????Please let me know i too want to apply here for anykind of job which is suitable for me.....go ahead bro its a very nice and cool package one can ever had........i wish i could have been at your place.
GO FOR IT, and if you are hesitated recommend me for this offer ;-)
More than enough,, accomodation and education are the most costy in your problem is sort out with some extra cash for saving too :)
go ahead!!
What else you want? Say thanks to god.
You can saving minimum 10.000/month, so no need to thinking twice.
Go ahead w/out any tense, now a days its good offer you got caz finacial cruises global market situation through out the world.say ALHAMDULILLAH
Close your eyes and Sign your contract
What Question...OFcourse that is a good option...
It's a good offer, to think there are so many who are jobless nowadays.
yeah...well Enough
plenty enough - accommodation and schooling are the BIG costs in the Middle East. As these are sorted, sounds like you should be saving most of your wage!
in my opinion more than enough.