Panel to review presence of single workers in

DOHA: The issue of the ‘disturbing presence’ of single labourers in the family areas will soon be addressed.
The Advisory Council has recommended the higher-ups to enact a law to address the issue, a member of Central Municipal Council (CMC) said.
Addressing a group of people from her constituency at a customary meeting in her residence , Sheikha Jeffairi, the CMC member who represents the Constituency No. 9 (Airport area), said the higher authorities have already agreed to set up a panel of experts to look into the ‘single labour’ presence in the residential areas.
“This is one of the major issues debated at several sessions of the CMC. I hope that the authorities would soon issue a law regarding this”, she said.
Shekha said several interior roads in her constituency had been developed over the last few months. Over 400 roads have been asphalted. She has also sought the help of authorities to develop some public parks. A total of 24 kilo metre roads have been newly asphalted, she said.
Open grounds would be developed at Zones 45 and 47 for hosting wedding parties and other ceremonies, she added.
Sheikha said more parking zones would be developed on streets in her constituency with the support of Ashghal. Ashghal has also been asked to fill the potholes on E-Ring road.
At the meeting, people cited the need for opening more entry points to the shopping Malls. They said the present entry system was confusing and create a lot of problems to the drivers and the customers.
Both nationals and expatriates attended the meet.
but I need a business partner. First day will be free for all QL bachalors
well good luck to you. Just don't forget to invite us to watch for free:) LOL!
Seems like this is what all bachalors do here. I remember during the summer festival in city center when I saw hundreds if not thousands of bachalors gathering around the skating yard or whatever they call it.
This crowed grabbed my attention and I thought that someone is dead or a big fight is going on down there. I tried to look, but it was impossible to get through the crowed.
Later on, I found that its all about a Russian Folklore band dancing on the ice. They see a leg or arm or white skin. As if they are in the zoo looking at a wierd animal that they have never seen, and trying to save the image in thier hard desk to use it later at home.
I think it would be a good business to open a staring facility and the government might approve it,since it is not necessarily for such business to violate the rules here. They can simply dress like any westerner woman and do some aerobics.
Anybody have the courage to share me in this business?!
staring facilities?? OMG! hahahah!
hope it will be implemented
hidden labours in Doha. Because Barwa will finish thier project there in the industrial area which will accomodate over 35000 labour as stated earlier in news.
So, I think they will start soon hunting labours in Doha and locking them there:)
Anyway, they will have all facilities there such as hospital, cinema, mall...etc. The only thing they wont have is women to stare at. This will not stop them flowing to Doha, and that is why I am suggesting Barwa to have staring facility where labors can go, sit down and stare at women behind glasses. They only should be aware of not making it free of charge or this might result in deaths when the crowd is over and they will step on each other or cant breath. i said,there are so many more large hearted women out there who wouldn't really mind being a visual treat to people.but i'm not one of them.i'd rather stay at home.apparently there's not much i (as a person) can do really about the labour class situation except face the rude facts.but i'm in no mood to be eye-candy for them either.
olive...thanks for that,gurl.i'd have done the same thing had i been in ur shoes.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
I also read in Gulf times that segregation between male and female bachalors will be implempented before 2011. The article said that the only suggested area for males is industrial area and for females is wakra. The rest will be for the approved authorized families.
I am afraid more on Pakistani, OTHERS said Pakistani have cases of rape here. I dont want to be so rude but I think families and Ladies should be kept away from them.
Svelte, I understand where you're coming from. While I hate the idea of family days and family only areas, I do have to say that when I was looking for a place to live I turned down a perfectly nice villa because of all the labour camps around it. As a single woman I just didn't feel safe being surrounded by that many lonely men. You can call me whatever I want or say I'm not compassionate, but it's a fine line between feeling sorry for people and fearing for your personal safety.
Why this Family and bachelor differentiation so important only here or gulf countries in general? Other countries in the world does not seem to be having any big problem due to mixing of these two group of people.
And is there a separation of living area for bachelors and families in India as well as someone from India has been complaining a lot about bachelors staring at her. If not, why does she wants it here?
Btw, some of lady friends in Doha have told me stories about being follwed by men in cars (most of the time pretty expensive ones), while walking on Doha roads. They slow down, pull the window down, try to start a conversation (wow!) and even try to pass their fone numbers. I am sure these werent the same bachelors who actually go out and stare when they should be "staying in their little rooms and brooding away." They were the well-to-do people from the right nationalities who can enter any mall on any day single or not.
(Please Excuse me, but that phrase irks me a lot coz I personally know cases where the life in these labor camps drive people to depression and suicide. and it starts when they sit in those hellholes n brood away instead of gettin some fresh air)
Do tell me, as a lady, which of these you would find more unsettling. The problem, arent these unfortunate bachelors/laborers. They are just one of the symptoms of the problem. Suppressing the symptom wont treat the disease.
Those bachelors are an indicator of where you or I would have been if we had grown up in less fortunate circumstances.
'''''The issue of the ‘disturbing presence’ of single labourers in the family areas will soon be addressed.''''
What a load of BS!!!!
Give them all Family visa and housing then.
- God Gives n Forgivs .. We Gets n Forgets -
i'd given up on this stuff quite some time back.i've decided to stay indoors or go out when i don't have to be mortified of being stared to death.those large hearted ladies out there who don't care may as well do as they please.i speak only for myself.period.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Svelte: "..else stay in their little rooms and brood away"
Wonderful...! Make more poultry cabin like "little" roomed labor camps and tie them down there. Bring them out only when we need them to clean our mess or do some manual work. and yeah lets not forget the chains, when we do bring em out. After all they are an eyesore, arent they?
When would you start understanding that those 'little' rooms arent a matter of choice but an indicator of a population's desperate attempt for sustainence?
About the problem of staring, the root lies elsewhere. Look at the male-female ratio in Qatar. Nowhere in the world would you find such a skewed ratio. I was talking to a friend of mine and I asked her to look out of the window and tell me how many women she could see on the roads, for every 100 men. Couldnt count more than a couple of em.
As a guy who has had the good fortune of walking into a ladies college during recess time, I can certainly tell you, the fairer sex arent any backward in passing comments or just plain intimidative eye contact. and I am talkin about well educated and well-to-do people here, not poor illiterate men who havent been anywhere close to a woman in the last coupla years. Next time you go to the National area just imagine you are walking into a men's-only campus. Thats perspective for you.
i just found the solution...i'll stay at home all day and i'll go out at times when i'm sure these people are at work.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
I guess everyone here would like the men to stare at men and then women to stare at women.
and with regards to staring- how on earth are you going to remedy that? Don't some people in New York and Paris do that too?
And let me continue deerpark: beautiful or sexy women who are stare magnets hurt the sensibilities of some locals so they should be kicked out too!
Let me suggest a solution: why not build a high wall(great wall, berlin wall, gaza strip wall) and put all bachelors on one side of the divide! Ridiculous? Well, there are more pressing matters that should've gotten the authorities attention here. Full implementation of the traffic laws without fear or favor would be a good start. Speeding and reckless driving causes death! Has staring ever cause someone to die? These poor workers have almost no decent place to go to unwind and relax their tired bodies, and perhaps staring has become an alternative.
Why, even in ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia don't have these family days! Why can't Qatar be different in a humane and feel-good way? You have oodles and oodles of money! Hire consultants to plan out your cities, your neighborhoods, your streets, your road networks!
I didnt see one of our fellow Qlers '' posting on this thread as I write...or am I plain blind...
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Staring, why do they do it?
not only bachelors stare, even old men do.
Im not sure if my observation was correct, but i think Smiling is big deal here, when youre being cheerful, they think that you have that special feeling for them or, youre being cheerful because you like them more than friends.
Before when someone stares at me, i just give them a smile and continue on what i am doing, but now no, after i notice they are staring at me, i just ignore it, pretending i didnt notice them.
i don't particularly care what people may say....but i say that i find it extremely uncomfortable when i'm being stared at.and u don't have to exactly stare back to notice that u're being stared at....u can actually feel eyes on you when u pass by.try walking thru National area on a friday eveing and u'll know exactly what i mean.the men there seem to think that women are some exotic creatures who have just dropped down from another planet....sheesh!and i have also been subjected to hearing lewd remarks about me.i'd blame my sharp hearing and my understanding of their language for now,i try not to go anywhere in the vicinity of such social elements.and since it bothers me so much,nowadays i either keep my eyes down when i pass by such ppl or i just avoid such places was nice to hear that the govt. is planning on taking such least i could walk with my head held high.
tates....these ppl don't exactly need "sex appeal" to stare at.anything that looks even remotely feminine to them will do quite nicely. i said,my husband too was a bachelor until he married me and if he says that he never used to stare,i'd call him a liar.but i can confidently say that post-marriage,he has eyes only for me ;-) so that closes the discussion about my husband.
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Brit....that is because we men never complain that women stare at us and we are uncomfortable with
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Isn't it strange that most people find it acceptable for single females to live in "family" zones, but not single males :O)
there shuld not be any discrimination, just because someone is single
and then the Barwa Village (Wakra) for bachelors.
It does make me uncomfortable when these bachelors stare, but I now ignore them. These men have to work long hours in awful conditions and the only day they have off, they are being restricted in where they can go. It's completely unfair.
*****If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all*****
I dont understand, does it mean there will be a residencial zone especially for families, only for family? how about the singles who cant afford to rent a flat?
you must be oozing with sex appeal that people can't help but stare at you.
when people (men) staring at me. In fact, how'd you know they're staring at you when you don't stare back at them?
Just ignore it, that's the best way to avoid trouble.
SS... you talked about your 'husband'...and we are talking about bachelors... ask him about his bachelor days or forced bachelor days...I dont think he would be any different except may be for the intensity of the you said and I have no sound ground to not agree as of now that staring may not be done by the said westerners in the west for the reasons mentioned by you....but would suggest get into company of a westerner (or rather observe a westerner, that would be more appropriate) here or anywhere outside and your opinion wouldn't be different than mine...
On a lighter note...I am an Indian and most of the times it is otherwise with
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
Saggi am I the only female....who dont have problem in people staring at me? bcos I dont look at who is lookin at me...and in case if someone does something to catch my attention right in front of my eyes I would definetly ask whats their problem or what they want...and they will go away...that works only with some nationalities...
I dont dare to ask a local guy who is following me at the
Why should it bother? if its not harming us and if its giving them some
Ok ok svelte I won't stare at you from now on...
Jeezzzzz you didn't have to make it public :)
Perhaps they are focusing on residences residences (villas) where a large number of males share a small space.
They stare & must be kicked out because they make people uncomfortable.....the kids who scream & cry also make some people they are out...people who wear revealing clothes or not dressed approp also make some people uncomfortable they are out.....ugly people (you know who you are) make people uncomfortable they are out aswell.....
Can someone tell me where does it stop? Why does the govt not just say "this public area is not for the poor" instead of saying "family day" etc
i am very much married to a fellow indian and i know my husband doesn't stare....for that matter if a woman is there by the side of any man,it a sure-fire deterrent not to stare at other women.but non-western bachelors....gawd!i have many friends who are based in the west and they say that it's considered to be insulting to stare at a person in the west.if they catch u staring at them,they walk stright up to you and ask you if u've got a problem.since nobody does that here,these ppl take advantage of would they like it if somebody did the same to their wives/daughters/sisters?huh?
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
it all depends on manners....they behave themselves,they won't be asked to leave the place.else stay in their little rooms and brood away if they can't keep their eyes to themselves....
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
SS...if you are married, are you married to a westerner ...if not looks like you would prefer a westerner.. now this is assuming that you are from India as per your profile and that is true....
One life to live, live it to the fullest.
This is so sad. The poor guys are without their families, miles away from home, making peanuts and can’t even spend their only day off the way they want to.
Arab countries/Arabs in general discriminate, think they are superior, and have the nerve to complain about other countries.
Never have I seen a local being stopped on “family day” at any mall.
Very sad!
that's is why we need a part-time lover to enter the mall... and now a part-time family member to live in family residential zone :D
i can always swerve when i come to a pothole on the road....but what to do about ogling bachelors?they just stare to death!sheesh!i have no problem in bachelors who don't stare....i guess that's why the govt. goes easy on this policy when it comes to single men from the least they know their manners! x-(
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
create problem for the families... this can be controlled by the Country's existing laws.
The new step should not be enforced as a draconian law to harass single workers.
If someone stays single in this country leaving famiy behind in the home country, there must be some reasons. Pls respect everyone
are we seeing a segregation of bachelors among families here? The bachelors have been through enough with this mall's policy, now comes this residential issues.
i'll welcome the move if it's passed....i hate being stared at in a lewd way in spite of decent dressing....
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
I mean I have one handsome Beljian bachelore in our neighbourhood. So the news is quite upsetting..;)
(and just to inform, I quote you on other thread...:))
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
Sorry, perhaps it's too early in the morning, but what is the issue here ?
shreeya which country do you live in!!
to me. The news said only of some particular zones in Doha. We don't know if this motion will be implemented countrywide irregardless of nationality.
just maybe
we'll see some nationalities being "more" in this regard.
just maybe!!
The law is going to be implemented irrespective of any nationality? I mean all nationalities are equal in this regard or some are more equal?
Everything's gonna be alright!!!